Committees & Programs

Membership Committee

WLG's Membership Committee is an advisory board which reports to the Board of Directors. The committee:

Each committee member is designated as a "Network Ambassador" to a specific group of firms, acting as the liaison between the firms and the Board.


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WLG Content

March 1, 2021

When World Law Group embarked on a commitment to look at generational trends, a global pandemic certainly wasn’t part of the plan. However, these events led to an acceleration of trends and uncovered a few unexpected silver linings.

Member Firm Uploads

Member Firm News Mexico
January 28, 2025

According to the Mexican legal framework, companies are not obliged to introduce a whistleblowing system but is instead left to their discretion as part of the implementation of an adequate “due control” or “organization, management and risk prevention model” (in the criminal sphere) and an “integrity policy” (in the administrative sphere).
Member Firm News Argentina
January 28, 2025

In Argentina, there is no legal obligation for companies to establish a whistleblowing system. However, the CCLA of 2018 (N° 27.401, section 23, IV) states companies can include a whistleblowing protection system within their compliance and integrity programs.
Member Firm News Argentina
January 28, 2025

In Argentina, no specific legislation is dedicated exclusively to protecting whistleblowers within the private sector. However, in the public sector, Law No. 21,592 establishes certain protections for individuals who report illegal activities or misconduct. This law criminalizes retaliation against whistleblowers in specific circumstances,...
Member Firm News Vietnam
January 28, 2025

In Vietnam, Whistleblowers are protected under two key laws in Vietnam, comprising of Law on Denunciations 2018 and Law on Criminal Procedure 2015. There are no specific legal requirements for establishing a whistleblowing system, and no penalties are imposed for failing to do so.
Member Firm News USA - Washington, DC
January 28, 2025

There is no US law requiring all companies to establish a whistleblowing system, but laws and regulations applicable to certain companies do. For example, when US Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) § 52.203-13 is included in a company's contract with the US government, the company must implement an internal control system that includes an...