alfAro abogados, POSTED MARCH 31, 2020 |
Argentina: COVID-19 and Bankruptcy
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic is having devastating economic consequences worldwide. From the legal perspective, for most legislations it would be deemed an event of force majeure thus waiving the proper discharge of contracts and the fulfillment of obligations.
arias, POSTED MARCH 28, 2020 |
Costa Rica: Labor and Social Security Measures
The Government of Costa Rica announced new labor and social security measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace.
arias, posted march 27, 2020 |
Costa Rica: Impact on Leases, Ministry of Health, Migration and Free Trade
Arias created an interdisciplinary task force with the participation of different practice areas, that is monitoring and informing about measures taken by the Government to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
lane powell, posted march 27, 2020 |
United States: Who CARES? How the Delayed Payment of Payroll Taxes Will Help Business — Until it Hurts
This update is both an explanation of how to secure an interest-free loan under the CARES Act, and a warning of the dangers carried by such loans. Virtually all private employers are required to withhold social security taxes from wages paid to employees.
lane powell, POSTED MARCH 26, 2020 |
United States: Environmental Regulators Relax Compliance Requirements
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the Washington Department of Ecology and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, have announced that they will not be expecting strict compliance with environmental regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
greenberg glusker, POSTED MARCH 26, 2020 |
United States: CARES Act – What You Need to Know About the Largest Stimulus Bill in History
Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus bill designed to provide relief to individuals and businesses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act includes appropriations of more that $850 billion in loans to impacted businesses.
locke lord, posted march 25, 2020 |
United States: Complying with Open Meeting Laws in Massachusetts
The unprecedented effects of the coronavirus pandemic has affected state and local governments in many ways. One concern is ensuring compliance with open meeting laws. In Massachusetts, “public bodies” are required to hold all meetings of such public body open to the public. Governor Baker issued an order relieving public bodies from certain requirements.
greenberg glusker, POSTED MARCH 25, 2020 |
United States: DOL Guidance on Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Mandatory Notice Poster
The U.S. Department of Labor recently released some guidance on the FFCRA in the form of a Questions and Answers webpage. It also released the poster employers are required to post (or provide to employees), in order to give employees notice of their rights under the FFCRA.
miller & martin, POSTED MARCH 24, 2020 |
United States: Contracts: Consider Your Scope of Work and Terms & Conditions
The COVID-19 pandemic is presenting the global economy with unprecedented challenges. Many American businesses have been imperiled by the pandemic, while others are having to rethink or restructure their operations to account for the public health crisis. In particular, many businesses may need to reexamine their contractual relationships.
miller & Martin, Posted march 24, 2020 |
United States: Coronavirus-Based Updates to Georgia and Tennessee Unemployment Requirements for Employers
Before the coronavirus began to pick up steam in the Southeast U.S., both Georgia and Tennessee started 2020 with seasonally adjusted unemployment rates below the national average. After both states confirmed cases of COVID-19, social distancing and business shutdowns became the norm and the number of workers filing for unemployment benefits has skyrocketed. As a result, both states have revised requirements for unemployment insurance.
locke lord, posted march 23, 2020 |
United States: Restrictions and Essential Services During the COVID-19 Crisis
On March 23, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued a state-wide directive limiting gatherings in the Commonwealth to no more than 10 people and ordering the temporary closure of all physical locations of businesses that do not provide “COVID-19 Essential Services.”
goodmans, posted march 23, 2020 |
Canada: Impact of COVID-19 on Pension Plans
For employers who offer a Canadian pension plan, the changes to the market and employment conditions will affect the responsibilities of an employer, as plan administrator and plan sponsor, including investments and filing obligations, plan funding and benefit accrual.
goodmans, posted march 22, 2020 |
Canada: COVID-19 and Contractual Implications: Frustration and Impossibility
This Update discusses the common law doctrines of “frustration” and “impossibility”, which may offer other potential avenues of relief for parties that cannot fulfill their existing contractual obligations.
tozzinifreire, posted march 22, 2020 |
Brazil: TozziniFreire's Actions Related to COVID-19
Due to the current escalation of COVID-19, TozziniFreire took some actions such as remote work for its team, a special committee to monitor the evolution of the virus and launching a multidisciplinary publication on the topic gathering relevant data on the different legal areas.