Americas COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on Apr 21, 2020

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COVID-19 Americas
April 21, 2020


Recent updates on the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in the Americas


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goodmans llp, POSTED April 20, 2020

Canada: Tightens Scrutiny Over Foreign Investment in Response to COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada announced in a policy statement issued on April 18 that it will subject certain foreign investments into Canada to enhanced scrutiny under the Investment Canada Act.

faegre drinker, POSTED april 16, 2020

United States: Will Telecommuting Due to COVID-19 Trigger State Income Tax Nexus?

Assessing the tax implications of employees telecommuting from a neighboring state during the COVID-19 pandemic.


United States: Guidance on Application of U.S. Sanctions to Provision of COVID-19-Related Humanitarian Assistance

An overview of recent guidance on how U.S. sanctions laws apply to the provision of COVID-19-related humanitarian assistance to high-risk countries.


Argentina: A quick Guide to the Coronavirus Measures Adopted

The pandemic declared by the World Health Organization due to the global spread of the epidemic generated by the coronavirus has forced governments around the world to take immediate and extraordinary actions to cope and overcome this crisis. See measures taken by the Argentine Government.

GUYER & REGULES, POSTED april 15, 2020

Uruguay: Labor & Employment Implications

In the face of the COVID-19 contingency and the consequences that it may trigger in the normal work development, it is relevant to highlight the following measures and/or institutes provided for in current and new regulations.

lane powell pc, POSTED april 13, 2020

United States: Every Business That Received a Payroll Protection Program Loan CARES About Forgiveness

Expansion of the payroll protection program (PPP) loans has emerged as a key form of relief provided by the CARES Act, but amid the euphoria and confusion of rolling out a brand new program in the midst of a crisis, some large questions linger.

greenberg glusker, POSTED april 12, 2020

United States: Important Tax Updates

Over the last few weeks, various taxing authorities have issued guidance alleviating several of the annual upcoming deadlines and provided additional useful tax planning information. The guidance is changing almost daily, and we will continue to update you as more information becomes available.


Canada: COVID-19 and the Courts - What You Need to Know

Summarizes how measures taken to combat COVID-19 will affect civil proceedings in a number of courts and tribunals in Canada.

alfaro abogados, POSTED april 9, 2020

Argentina: New Measures Regarding Labor Law

The Argentine Executive Branch issued Decree No. 329/20201, which prohibits dismissals without just cause and dismissals due to lack or reduction of work or force majeure, for the period of 60 days, as from March 31st.

lane powell pc, POSTED april 9, 2020

United States: Trucking Faces Serious Challenges in the Face of COVID-19

The recent worldwide spread of the novel coronavirus has seen many businesses that rely upon a sizeable driver workforce evaluate staffing options to allow them to match the size and structure of their workforce to their current business needs.

campbells, POSTED april 8, 2020

Cayman Islands: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Time of COVID-19

This article outlines the main ADR processes available to parties to Cayman disputes and highlights some of their potential advantages.

miller & martin, POSTED APRIL 8, 2020

United States: CARES Act Insights - Main Street Loan Facilities Available to Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses


This client alert focuses on the Fed’s Main Street Lending Program, which will purchase up to $600 billion of loans originated by eligible banks made to small- and medium-sized businesses.

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