Americas COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on May 1, 2020

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COVID-19 Americas
May 1, 2020


Recent updates on the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in the Americas


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Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi Abogados, posted april 27, 2020

Argentina: First Quarterly Compliance Report 2020

The quick spread of the COVID-19, together with the changing practices and emergency regulations it brought about, renewed compliance risks for companies operating in Argentina. We summarize the most relevant compliance updates from 2020’s first quarter.

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados, april 27, 2020

Peru: Key elements of the Economic Program Providing Government-backed Loans for Companies Affected by COVID-19

The objective of Reactiva Peru is to make available working capital to companies affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, through loans granted by commercial financial entities.

lane powell pc, posted april 26, 2020

United States: EEOC Says Employers Can Require COVID-19 Testing

The EEOC has issued welcome guidance for employers who are seeking to take all steps necessary to eradicate the virus from their facilities. This guidance is of particular importance for employers in seniors housing, assisted living, nursing homes and other health care related fields.

lane powell pc, POSTED april 26, 2020

United States: Will Congressional Amendments to the CARES Act Actually Help Small Businesses?

With the launch of the federal government’s second wave of funding for the depleted Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), a multi-billion dollar question remains: just how much relief will it provide to the small businesses truly in need?

fAEGRE DRINKER, POSTED april 23, 2020

United States: Guidance for Resuming Non-Emergent Procedures

The recommendations ease prior Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidance that limited non-essential adult elective surgery and medical and surgical procedures.

greenberg glusker, POSTED april 23, 2020

United States: Main Street Lending Program Q&A

We’ve put together an introductory Q&A about the “Main Street Lending Program”—a government program separate from the Paycheck Protection Program that is currently being created to distribute over $600 billion in economic relief to small and mid-size businesses.

alfaro abogados, posted april 23, 2020

Argentina: Insurance in Times of COVID-19

In Argentina, the reaction of the society and the Government to COVID-19 has shown the level of commitment, responsibility and solidarity that these times demand. Companies - in record time - adapted their processes and technology to telecommute or vacate their offices and call centers.

faegre drinker, posted april 22, 2020

United States: New Executive Order Temporarily Suspends Entry of Certain Immigrants

Key provisions, exceptions and takeaways from President Trump's April 22 Executive Order temporarily suspending entry of certain immigrants due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

santamarina y steta, POSTED april 21, 2020

Mexico: Health Ministry Issues Official Communication Modifying the Extraordinary Actions

During the afternoon version of the Federal Official Gazette of April 21, 2020, an update of the "Official Communication” was published, extending the period of suspension of non-essential activities until May 30, 2020; whereas previously such suspension was set until April 30 of this year.

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados, POSTED april 20, 2020

Peru: Emergency Decree Establishes Measures to Mitigate Economic Effects on Employees/Employers


On April 14th, the Peruvian government passed Emergency Decree 038-2020 that provides certain labor alternatives and measures for employees and employers.

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