Americas COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on Jun 3, 2020

World Law Group

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COVID-19 Americas
June 3, 2020

Recent updates on the impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in the Americas


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faegre drinker, posted may 31, 2020   

United States: As CCPA Pressure Heats Up, What Should Be on Your Summer To-Do List?

Enforcement of the CCPA is set to begin on July 1. With that key date just around the corner and companies facing a new slate of COVID-19 related privacy issues, we highlight the high-level action items covered businesses should address to help get their compliance programs up to speed.


Argentina: Relaxation of Requirements for the Application of the Waiting Period for Payment of Export Duties

General Resolution No. 4728/2020, published in the Official Gazette on June 1, 2020 and in force as of June 8, 2020 issued by the Federal Tax Administration makes it easier for Micro–, Small– and Medium–Sized Businesses, to pay export duties by allowing for the use of a guarantee.

lane powell pc, POSTED MAY 31, 2020

United States: PPP Modifications One Step Closer to Becoming Law

Out of the jumble of bills and acronyms bubbling around Congress to modify the terms of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), one measure emerged on May 28 from the House of Representatives.

PAYET, REY, CAUVI, PÉREZ ABOGADOS, posted may 21, 2020

Peru: New Accelerated Refinancing Procedure

A summary of Legislative Decree No. 1511, which created the Accelerated Refinancing Procedure, an administrative procedure allowing debtors and creditors to agree on a Refinancing Plan to reprogram the due dates on debt obligations.

TOZZINIFREIRE ADVOGADOS, posted may 20, 2020

Brazil: How Can Law Firms Help Mitigate the Impacts of COVID-19?

The pandemic of the novel coronavirus is generating strong changes in the most diverse spheres of life and business, especially when it comes to groups in vulnerable situations. Law firms can be great allies and actively participate in actions that will help reduce the negative impacts of the crisis.

campbells, posted may 13, 2020

Cayman Islands: From the Coronation Cases to Coronavirus – A Short History of Frustration

In business, contractual counter parties have been considering how unforeseen “supervening” events affect the rights and obligations of their agreements. Much has been written recently on ‘frustration of contracts’, but where does this concept come from?


Mexico: COVID-19: eCommerce Compliance for Your Business

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, electronic commerce has experienced an impressive surge. It is important that the e-commerce industry in Mexico prepares to meet the needs of its clients ensuring all e-commerce operations have the necessary legal security.

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