Asia COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on Apr 3, 2020

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COVID-19 Asia
April 3, 2020


Recent updates on the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in Asia


Table of Contents

1. COVID-19 Webinar

2. Firm Legal Updates

3. COVID-19 Resource Center 

4. Non-member Sign Up 

5. Submit Content ↓


View the Recording of the April 2  Webinar "COVID-19: What Are the Implications for Employers and Their Employees?"


View Recording 



Firm Legal Updates


Browse All Resources

shearn delamore & CO., POSTED MARCH 31, 2020

Malaysia: Virtual Conference: Managing Legal Risks - April 7

Join our virtual conference where our interdisciplinary team will provide advice on key considerations and actions Malaysian businesses should take to respond to and manage the risk of COVID-19 post the Movement Control Order.

makarim & taira S., POSTED MARCH 26, 2020

Indonesia: COVID-19 and Force Majeure

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing critical implications for businesses. Please read our legal advisory exploring the concept of force majeure under contracts entered into in Indonesia.

wongpartnership llp, posted march 26, 2020

Singapore: Infectious Diseases Regulations 2020

Following the promulgation of the Infectious Diseases (COVID-19 Stay Orders) Regulations 2020, we outline the regulations put in place during the control period and highlight the implications to employers.

wongpartnership llp, POSTED MARCH 24, 2020

Singapore: Mandatory Safe Distancing Measures

The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, Monetary Authority of Singapore and Singapore Exchange Regulation have released a joint statement on mandatory safe distancing measures. We highlight some of these measures and their implications for issuers to take note.

wongpartnership LLP, POSTED MARCH 24, 2020

Singapore: Government’s Latest Measures and Implications to Employers

On March 24, the Singapore government announced new measures to minimize further spread of COVID-19. Please refer to the full advisory for details. We outline some of the measures which are of particular note to employers.

Check out the Global COVID-19 Resource Center page Arrow Icon

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