cms russia, POSTED April 5, 2020 |
Russia: Prolongation of Non-working Days: Practical Legal Implications for Businesses
During his national address on April 2, President Putin announced his decision to prolong the initial non-working days from April 4 to April 30 in order to fight against the spread of COVID-19. He signed a new Executive Order providing for this. What does this mean for businesses?
gianni, origoni, grippo, cappelli & partners, POSTED april 5, 2020 |
Italy: The European Commission Strengthens the Temporary Framework on State Aid
Last Friday, the European Commission adopted an amendment to existing State Aid rules to widen the perimeter of the national measures which can be authorized based on the exceptional legal framework to cope with the current crisis.
plmj, posted april 5, 2020 |
Portugal: Coronavirus: Resolving Disputes Quickly and Efficiently
The adversarial approach to conflict resolution in traditional forms of litigation offers no guarantees of speed, low costs or the ability to maintain the contractual and commercial relationships that are essential to companies to be able to continue to do business when the COVID-19 crisis is over.
gowling wlg, POSTED april 5, 2020 |
England: COVID-19 - Impacts on IP Activity in the Courts and UK IPO
The intellectual property courts and the UK Intellectual Property Office have adapted quickly to use technology to minimize disruption to normal business. Here is what you need to know.
cms russia, POSTED april 2, 2020 |
Russia: New Laws on Tightened Liability, Insolvency, Rents, State Purchases and Medicines
On April 1, Federal Laws came into force in Russia in connection with the spread of COVID-19. We outline what those laws mean.
taylor wessing, POSTED april 2, 2020 |
Germany: Cyber Threats
The German Federal Office for Information Security sees an increased threat to the cyber-security in companies during the corona-crisis. How companies can protect themselves?
cms germany, POSTED april 1, 2020 |
Germany: Support for Start-Up Companies
The German government has moved quickly and decisively to protect businesses from the short-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A new law was passed by parliament using remote voting procedures and came into effect on March 27.
soulier avocats, POSTED april 1, 2020 |
France: Rules of Civil Procedure Adapted
Among the 25 Ordinances adopted by the French Government on March 25, 2020, two have a significant impact on (i) applicable time limits and the conduct of civil proceedings, and (ii) the organization/operation of courts ruling in non-criminal matters.
gianni, origoni, grippo, cappelli & partners, POSTED april 1, 2020 |
Italy: COVID-19 Emergency: Extension of Lockdown Measures
On April 1, the Prime Minister adopted a new decree to extend the lockdown measures previously introduced through the decrees issued in March. These decrees have progressively introduced lockdown measures: first limited to the Lombardy region and 14 provinces, then extended to the entire country, further strengthened, and most recently when production activities were temporarily closed.
Advokatfirmaet Schjødt, POSTED april 1, 2020 |
Norway: Problems Call for Solutions – A Time of Innovation
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Throughout history, crises have motivated for innovation. They have challenged mankind to rethink our approach and how to solve problems we are faced with.
taylor wessing, POSTED april 1, 2020 |
Germany: Impact of Coronavirus on M&A Transactions
The increasing spread of coronavirus leads not only to considerable consequences for the population and the health system but also to significant effects on the global economy. Productions are reduced or suspended.
plmj, POSTED march 31, 2020 |
Portugal: Impact on Works Contracts
We are facing the growing and exponential spread of COVID-19. As a result, it is important to assess what impact this situation may have on the ability of parties to meet the obligations they have assumed under contracts in progress.
bahas, gramatidis & Partners, POSTED march 31, 2020 |
Greece: Timely Preventive Measures Taken by the Government Tackles the Spread of COVID-19
The Greek Government implemented, timely and decisive, some strict, preventive, measures to tackle the spread of the COVID-19 nationwide, providing valuable time to the country's health system to strengthen.
gowling wlg, POSTED march 31, 2020 |
England: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - The Detail
Under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, employers will be able to claim back 80% of the wages (up to £2,500 per month) of employees who have been furloughed (i.e. put on a leave of absence) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
soulier avocats, POSTED march 29, 2020 |
France: Main Labor and Employment Measures Provided
Paid vacation, working hours and rest days, payments under mandatory and optional profit-sharing schemes, supplemental allowance paid by employers in the event of medical leave, etc. Overview of the latest labor and employment measures.