Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution eBulletin

Published on May 15, 2020


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Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
May 2020

Recent legal updates from our members across the globe


Table of Contents

1. Firm Legal Updates

2. Non-Member Sign Up 

3. 2020 eConference 

4. Group Leaders

5. Submit Content ↓

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Firm Legal Updates

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CMS REICH-ROHRWIG HAINZ, posted may 12, 2020

Bulgaria: Constitutional Court Issues Landmark Decision on Interpretation of Rulings

On April 28, 2020, the Bulgarian Constitutional Court issued a landmark decision on the interpretation of its rulings and their effect on the Bulgarian legal framework. In its Decision, the court reversed how case law has been applied for the past 25 years, and effectively strengthened the importance of its rulings on the overall legal system of the country.

faegre drinker, posted may 10, 2020

United States: Coronavirus Lawsuits on the Horizon: Termination and Discrimination

Prevailing trends in COVID-19-related labor and employment litigation and proactive steps employers can take to help avoid a lawsuit.


Canada: Top Court Provides Crucial Guidance on the Conduct of Insolvency Proceedings

In reasons delivered recently in the case of 9354-9186 Québec inc. v. Callidus Capital Corp, the SCC has provided crucial guidance on the conduct of insolvency proceedings.


Philippines: COVID-19 Legal Briefing: Focus on Litigation and Dispute Resolution

This legal briefing touches on Philippine issues in litigation and dispute resolution that may be triggered by the current COVID-19 crisis, or which have become more relevant because of it.

CMS RUSSIA, posted april 29, 2020

Russia: Supreme Court’s COVID-19 Case Law Review

On April 21, 2020, the Russian Supreme Court clarified in an official Review certain issues of judicial practice related to the application of legislation in the context of measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.

WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, posted april 26, 2020

Singapore: Prosecutorial Disclosure

The Singapore Court of Appeal has recently delivered its decision in the case of Muhammad Nabill bin Mohd Fuad v Public Prosecutor [2020] SGCA 25, significantly expanding the scope of the prosecution’s duty of disclosure to the defense in criminal proceedings.

GOWLING WLG, posted april 26, 2020

England: Do Experts Owe a Duty of Loyalty?

In A v B [2020] EWHC 809 (TCC), the Technology and Construction Court restrained three defendants from giving expert services in an ICC arbitration where one of them had also provided expert services to another party in a separate arbitration arising from the same project.

SOULIER AVOCATS, posted april 22, 2020

France: DataJust - Towards a Predictive Justice

A Decree of March 27, 2020 provides for the implementation of an algorithm called DataJust aimed at developing an indicative baseline of compensation for personal injuries. The overall objective: encouraging out-of-court settlements.

ENSAFRICA, posted april 19, 2020

South Africa: New Directives in Regard to Litigating During Lockdown

In order to provide guidance to litigators in navigating the national state of disaster, the Chief Justice has issued two sets of directives that apply to all courts across the country.

GUYER & REGULES, posted april 15, 2020

Uruguay: Major Arbitration Procedure in the Gas & Oil Market

Guyer & Regules successfully represented an affiliate of the Brazilian state-owned oil company Petrobras (PUDSA) and Axion Energy in two separate arbitrations against state-owned company that holds the monopoly over petroleum importation and refining – ANCAP.

campbells, posted april 8, 2020

Cayman Islands: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Time of COVID-19

This article outlines the main ADR processes available to parties in Cayman disputes and highlights some of their potential advantages.

plmj, posted april 5, 2020

Portugal: Coronavirus: Resolving Disputes Quickly and Efficiently

The adversarial approach to conflict resolution in traditional forms of litigation offers no guarantees of speed, low costs or the ability to maintain the contractual and commercial relationships that are essential to companies to be able to continue to do business when the COVID-19 crisis is over.


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World Law Group eConference Continues   

We find irony in the fact that COVID-19 has kept us from being together in person yet unites us through a global shared experience and opportunity to rethink how we work together and do business. We hope you have enjoyed connecting with friends and making new ones as much as we have over the past two weeks. There is still time to sign up for next week's sessions including the Asia Regional Meeting, Marketing and Business Development Professionals Meeting, and more practice group webinars. Be sure to check the schedule and remind colleagues in your firm they are welcome to attend. Check out the week one recap here.

The week two recap will be available on the conference web page tomorrow.

View Full Schedule and Recordings  

Group Leaders

cms von erlach poncet

Philipp Dickenmann

Email Philipp   Harold Kahlenberg

miller & martin pllc

Ryan Kurtz

Email Ryan    Harold Kahlenberg


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