CMS Russia, posted october 22, 2020 |
Russia: Parties and Arbitrators Guilty of Corruption in Arbitration Proceedings Will Face Criminal Liability
This change was made in compliance with Russia’s international obligations in connection with its accession to the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, the additional protocol to the convention and, in particular, the GRECO recommendations for the criminalization of bribery of national and foreign arbitrators.
hunton andrews kurth llp, posted october 18, 2020 |
United States: COVID-19 Complaint Tracker
Hunton Andrews Kurth’s COVID-19 Complaint Tracker is a comprehensive database of state and federal litigation involving COVID-19 claims. We continue to update the Complaint Tracker as new cases are filed.
SOULIER AVOCATS, posted october 8, 2020 |
France: Sudden Breach of an Established Business Relationship: Continuation of the Contract
In a decision dated June 24, 2020, the French Supreme Court recalled that the terminated business partner may ask the summary judge to order the continuation of the relevant contract.
BAHAS, GRAMATIDIS & PARTNERS, posted october 8, 2020 |
Greece: Lexology's Getting The Deal Through |Product Recall 2021 | Chapter Greece
Pleased to announce that “Product Recall 2021”, published by Law Business Research Ltd. is now available. Dimitris Emvalomenos, Lawyer, Accredited Mediator and Managing Partner of Bahas, Gramatidis and Partners, is the author
WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, posted october 6, 2020 |
Singapore: Lawyers Recognized Among the "Top Commercial Arbitration Practitioners in Singapore"
We warmly congratulate our Chairman & Senior Partner Alvin Yeo, Senior Counsel, and International Arbitration Practice Partners Christopher Chuah, Chan Hock Keng, and Koh Swee Yen for being recognized as among the “Top Commercial Arbitration Practitioners in Singapore” in Commercial Arbitration 2020 Expert Guide.
HERGÜNER BILGEN ÖZEKE, posted october 5, 2020 |
Turkey: Arbitration During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article explores how Turkey has handled arbitration during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Turkey: Dealing with Multi-Tiered Arbitration Clauses
Multi-tiered arbitration clauses mandating amicable steps before escalating a dispute to arbitration have to be carefully constructed in order to serve their purpose – a cost, and time efficient solution for solvable disputes. Our article takes a look at how they are handled in Turkish arbitration.
SHearn Delamore & Co., POSTED September 20, 2020 |
Malaysia: Chambers Global Practice Guide 2020 - International Arbitration
Shearn Delamore & Co. has authored Chambers Global Practice Guide on International Arbitration in Malaysia. The Guide covers key industries, governing legislation, arbitration agreements and more.
ALFARO-ABOGADOS, POSTED august 20, 2020 |
Argentina: Committee for Disputes, Mediation and Concerns on Subsistence Economy
The Ministry of Labor created the Committee in order to abide with the International Labor Organization's Recommendation No. 202 on Social Care, which encourages member states to carry out suitable measures to assist vulnerable sectors, specifically including those in the informal economy.