bae, kim & lee llc, posted april 5, 2020 |
South Korea: Data Privacy for “Big Data” and Financial Sector
Government unveils draft regulations, to supplement key statutory changes set to take effect in August 2020. Draft regulations follow up on amendments of Personal Information Protection Act and Credit Information Use and Protection Act, which will widen the path for “Big Data” type data processing and services.
ADVOKATFIRMAET SCHJØDT, posted april 1, 2020 |
Norway: Digital Meetings, Cloud, Anonymity and CCPA
Companies and people react very differently to the Corona-situation. Some companies face drastic loss in turn-over, others flourish. Digital cooperation has sky-rocketed.
ADVOKATFIRMAET SCHJØDT, posted april 1, 2020 |
Norway: Datatilsynet Notifies Largest Privacy Fine Ever
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority has notified The Norwegian Public Roads Administration of NOK 4 million in administrative fine. The case concerns the failure to delete personal data collected in toll roads.
taylor wessing, posted march 1, 2020 |
Germany: Data Protection and COVID-19
Employers are facing the dilemma of having to maintain normal business operations on the one hand, while at the same time complying with their duty of care towards their employees. In order to minimize the risk of infection within their business premises, they depend on additional information. As questions concern personal data, the data protection regulations of the GDPR apply.
gowling wlg, posted march 31, 2020 |
England: Time to be Even More Cyber Aware
Cyber and hacking criminals do not care and are already taking advantage of the current situation. Organizations and their employees, as well as individuals, all need to be extra vigilant and exercise caution.
greenberg glusker, posted march 30, 2020 |
United States: Data Security Concerns Regarding COVID-19
The unprecedented events surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 have also created concerns regarding the security of computer systems. The heightened fears surrounding the pandemic, along with the surge of individuals working from home, have created significant security challenges.
locke lord llp, posted march 30, 2020 |
United States: Privacy and Cybersecurity Work from Home Considerations
Companies want to enable personnel to work from home during this health crisis. What do they need to worry about from a privacy and cybersecurity perspective?
lane powell pc, posted march 22, 2020 |
United States: Privacy & Data Security in a WFH Environment
In the midst of widespread societal efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19, companies across industry sectors are moving employees from office environments to work-from-home setups to promote social distancing. In anticipation of these new challenges, companies across industry sectors should take the following steps:
hunton andrews kurth llp, posted march 19, 2020 |
United States: Key Privacy and Security Considerations
The outbreak of COVID-19 has dramatically changed the economy and working landscape of the United States and many other countries across the world. Companies suddenly find themselves dealing with a host of privacy issues and questions about sharing information with employees, customers and others.
soulier avocats, posted march 1, 2020 |
France: GDPR and Linky Meters - The French Data Protection Authority Puts EDF and Engie on Notice
The French Data Protection Authority has served a formal notice on ED and Engie for non-compliance with some of the requirements for obtaining consent and for excessive data retention periods.
soulier avocats, posted january 31, 2020 |
France: Whistleblowers: New Protection Rules Within the EU
The entry into force on December 16, 2019 of Directive 2019/1937 of October 23, 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of EU Law is a major step forward in encouraging Member States to go beyond the common minimum standards by creating a harmonized framework within the EU.
Goodmans llp, posted january 30, 2020 |
Canada: Goodmans Guide to Doing Good Business in Canada - E-commerce & Technology
Responsibility for regulating the internet and e-commerce is shared by the federal and provincial governments. Regulation of broadcasting content on the internet falls within the jurisdiction of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
santamarina y steta s.c., posted january 29, 2020 |
Mexico: Amendment to the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law and to the Federal Criminal Code
On January 24, 2020, a Decree issued by the Mexican Congress, was published in the Official Federal Gazette by means of which the following provisions were added: (i) article 190 Bis to the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law; and (ii) article 168 Ter to the Federal Criminal Code.
PAYET, REY, CAUVI, PÉREZ ABOGADOS, posted january 27, 2020 |
Peru: New Regulation on Processing of Personal Data Through Video Surveillance Systems
On January 16, 2020, Directorial Resolution No. 02-2020-JUS/DGTAIPD, which approved the Directive for Processing of Personal Data through Video Surveillance systems was published. A summary of the Directive’s principal aspects is featured here.
bae, kim & lee llc, posted january 19, 2020 |
South Korea: Data Privacy Laws Amended, Paving way for Big Data Services
Important Issues related to the amendments to main data regulation statutes, including Personal Information Protection Act and Credit Information Use and Protection Act.