Antitrust & Competition Law eBulletin

Published on Jul 17, 2020


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Antitrust & Competition
July 2020

Recent legal updates from our members across the globe


Table of Contents

1. Leaders Message

2. Firm Legal Updates

3. Nonmember Sign Up 

4. Group Leaders

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Foreward from the group leaders

We hope this WLG Antitrust eBulletin finds you safe and well in these very peculiar times. With the cancellation of the 2020 Spring Semi-Annual Conference, WLG hosted its first eConference in May 2020. One of the sessions of this eConference was a webinar on "Competition Enforcement and Merger Control in Portugal and Elsewhere in Times of Coronavirus". 

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Firm Legal Updates

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faegre drinker, posted july 6, 2020

United States: Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission Finalize New Vertical Merger Guidance

The U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Competition published new Vertical Merger Guidelines on June 30, 2020, finalizing a draft version created earlier in the year.

shearn delamore & co., posted june 30 2020

Malaysia: Merger Control Regime

Many jurisdictions have put in place legislation to regulate merger activities. There have been discussions that it is high time for Malaysia to implement a general merger control regime under the Malaysian Competition Act 2010.


Argentina: Antitrust & Competition Overview on the Latest News

This article is intended to be an overview on the Antitrust and Competition field in Argentina over the course of this year. There is still much more to be done, and the COVID-19 crisis has challenged both the Antitrust Authority and competitors to devote all their efforts to tackle the current situation.

tozzinifreire advogados, posted june 24, 2020

Brazil: President Enacts Law That Changes Competition Law During COVID Crisis

An outline of changes to Brazilian competition law during the COVID-19 crisis. 

zhong lun law firm, posted june 22, 2020

China: Plans to Strengthen Its Antitrust Regime by Proposed Fine-tuning of the Anti-Monopoly Law

China officially unveiled a draft amendment to its Anti-monopoly Law for public comments for the first time. This note provides some highlights of the draft amendment which have implications to firms’ antitrust compliance efforts in China.

cms germany, posted june 12, 2020

Germany: Investment Control Overhaul Started – First Target, Life Sciences Sector

Investment control regimes are being tightened throughout Europe. Germany now implemented a first set of changes, with more changes to follow later this year.

chandler mhm limited, posted june 3, 2020

Thailand: Distributorship Exclusivity - Lessons from M-150

Chandler MHM has produced a briefing on the M-150 case in Thailand which sheds more light on the legal boundaries of exclusivity for a distribution relationship

PAYET, REY, CAUVI, PÉREZ ABOGADOS, posted may 17, 2020

Peru: Changes to Merger Control Legislation

The Peruvian Government modified certain provisions contained in the Peruvian Merger Control Legislation, approved by Urgency Decree N° 013-2019.

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Group Leaders


Marcelo Calliari

Email Marcello  Harold Kahlenberg

cms germany 

Harald Kahlenberg

Email HaraldHarold Kahlenberg

Zhong Lun Law Firm

Scott Yu

Email Scott   Harold Kahlenberg

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