WLG Practice & Industry Group Legal Updates

Published on Mar 29, 2021


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A quick snapshot of legal updates from WLG's 16 Practice & Industry Groups. Click on "Browse All Group Resources" to see all legal updates and news for a particular group

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Antitrust & Competition
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United States (Lane Powell) 
Judge issues ruling on the scope of the antitrust exception passed as part of the 1980 Staggers Act, the first instance of a court interpreting the scope of the antitrust exception since its passage in 1980.

Indonesia (Makarim & Taira S.)
While the Omnibus Law amends various laws across sectors, this advisory specifically highlights key changes to a law on the prohibition against monopolistic practices and unfair business competition.

Artificial Intelligence
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England (Gowling WLG)
The firm's head of artificial intelligence, Matt Hervey, has co-edited a new book with 4 Pump Court's Dr. Matthew Lavy discussing the key legal considerations around artificial intelligence (AI).

Ireland (Mason Hayes & Curran)
Organizations are undertaking digital transformation projects, replacing old technology and manual processes with new technology and digital processes. Innovative developments like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain and e-signatures are encouraging an exploration of new ways to modernize and improve business practices.

Banking & Finance
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Mexico (Santamarina y Steta)
The Joint Commission of Finance and Public Credit and Legislative Studies of the Mexican Senate issued an opinion detailing the purpose, description and considerations of certain legislative amendments to the General Law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Transactions.

Uruguay (Guyer & Regules)
HSBC Bank S.A., a fully licensed bank in Uruguay, completed a new issuance of mortgage credit notes for a principal amount in Uruguayan pesos indexed to the inflation of an equivalent to USD 15 million, with an interest rate of 4.25%. This was the first series of a USD 200 million program.

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Denmark (Bech-Bruun)
The Danish medicinal pilot program is planned to end this year (2021) after a four-year trial period. It is still to be decided at a political level how the future will look for the program.

Thailand (Chandler MHM Limited)
The latest notification of the Ministry of Public Health has elaborated and reclassified parts of the cannabis plant to allow the full exploitation of specific parts of the cannabis plant for medical and research purposes.

Dispute Resolution
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Singapore (WongPartnership LLP)
The Singapore High Court has dismissed a class action brought on behalf of 1,102 investors across Asia, holding that the assignment of their rights to litigate a S$1 shell company was contrary to public policy and void, with the result that the shell company had no standing to bring the action.

France (Soulier Avocats)
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has unveiled a revised version of its Rules of Arbitration. This revision corresponds to the stated objective of the ICC President to "mark a further step towards greater efficiency, flexibility and transparency."

Energy, Mining & CleanTech
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Mexico (Santamarina y Steta)
COFECE recommends not to approve the bill to amend the Electricity Industry Law due to the fact that, if approved under such terms, it would eliminate competition in the generation and supply of electricity.

Finland (Castrén & Snellman)
Over the past seven years, Gasum has transformed itself from a traditional Finnish gas distributor to a modern energy company and significant circular economy operator in the Nordic countries. Castrén & Snellman has stood by Gasum's side throughout this journey.

Human Resources
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United States (Greenberg Glusker)
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has issued pointed guidance about making vaccines mandatory for employees.

Argentina (Alfaro Abogados)
The Argentinian government has issued a decree which regulates the new law on remote work.

Infrastructure & Public-Private Partnerships
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Portugal (PLMJ)
In recent months, the need to conclude the procedures to adapt/amend/revise the municipal and inter-municipal plans for spatial planning has been widely discussed by the municipalities, the Government, economic agents and civil society.

Slovenia (CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz)
The Communications Networks and Services Agency of the Republic of Slovenia concluded a two-phase public tender for 5G frequencies for the provision of critical machine-to-machine business communications.

Intellectual Property & Information Technology
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Germany (Taylor Wessing)
In this issue of "Digital Health 2021" our lawyers give you an overview of data protection and management; intellectual property; advertising, marketing and e-commerce; updates and trends; and more.

England (Gowling WLG)
How has the patent landscape changed over the last 40 years and how has this impacted case law globally? In the latest podcast in "In Conversation With Gowling WLG" series, global Intellectual Property partner Gordon Harris speaks the Right Honourable Professor Sir Robin Jacob - a veritable legend of the IP world.

International Corporate Transactions
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United States (Hunton Andrews Kurth)
The firm represented the underwriters in connection with a debt offering by Kinder Morgan, Inc. The offering was comprised of USD 750 million 3.600% Senior Notes due 2051.

Argentina (Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi Abogados)
Bruchou acted as legal counsel of Arcor S.A.I.C. in the creation of a joint venture with Ingredion Inc. to be specialized in ingredients for the food and beverage industry. 

International Tax & Private Wealth
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Philippines (SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan)
In this recent ebulletin, learn about the new and simplified guidelines for the use of Computerized Accounting Systems, Computerized Books of Account and/or its components, and more.

Malaysia (Shearn Delamore & Co.)
Administrative step or aggressive movement? Revenue's announcement on centralization and dispersal of certain categories of corporate and non-corporate taxpayers' files. 

International Trade Law
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United States (Arnold & Porter)
The Biden administration has responded to the unfolding situation in Myanmar, declaring the actions undertaken by the military as a coup d'état and implementing targeted economic sanctions and export restrictions.

Germany (Taylor Wessing)
How do you secure your export business? With a soft or hard letter of comfort, suretyship, (bank) guarantee, commercial credit insurance, Hermes cover, documentary collection, export factoring, advance payments, or perhaps a letter of credit?

Life Sciences
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Russia (CMS)
As of January 1, 2021, a new procedure has come into force in Russia for the import of medical devices in the context of their marketing authorization.

United States (Faegre Drinker)
A brief review and recap of the top five developments in drug and device law for 2020.

Privacy & Data Protection
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Peru (Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados)
The Peruvian Personal Data Protection Authority approved the methodology for setting fines.

France (Soulier Avocats)
Following inspections carried out between May and July 2019 at Carrefour France and Carrefour Banque, the French Data Protection Authority found a number of breaches in the processing of customer and potential user data.

Restructuring & Insolvency Resolution
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WongPartnership (Singapore)
This update describes some of the key changes introduced by the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act that may be of interest to banks and other lending institutions, and analyzes the potential benefits and implications of these changes on lenders' rights and interests.

Cayman Islands (Campbells)
As COVID-induced insolvency and restructuring gathers pace, in Sun Cheong Creative Development Holdings Limited the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has provided a timely overview of the principles of comity and modified universalism applicable in cross-border restructurings.

Venture Capital
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Indonesia (Makarim & Taira S.)
The establishment of a new sovereign wealth fund is a new chapter in Indonesia's economy.

World Law Group
Our member firms collaborated on an expansive guide covering more than 30 jurisdictions on investment approval processes, typical investment sectors, investment structures on VC deals, and more in this multi-jurisdictional guide to Venture Capital law.

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