Meet the WLG Staff Team - Hanna Shea

Published on Mar 30, 2021

In honor of women's history month (celebrated in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the US), we would like to introduce you to our small Staff Team of four, entirely powered by women.

Hanna Shea, Manager, Communications & Network Development

Hanna Shea started as World Law Group's Manager, Communications & Network Development in 2017.

How has your role changed over the years?

When I joined, the first year was really getting to know our member firms and getting the Practice & Industry Groups more active. These groups have really taken off and become a key component in engaging the lawyers in our network. I've enjoyed getting to really understand the different areas and strategize on how the groups can work together.

What has been your favorite conference you've traveled to (country)?

I can't really pick just one. South Africa was a bucket list item - the scenery was beautiful and the hospitality of the people was amazing. Oktoberfest in Munich was a treat. And getting to learn more about the history in Poland was something I won't soon forget.

What's your favorite activity outside of work?

In the winter, skiing and snowshoeing. In the summer, camping and rafting the rivers in Colorado and Utah - fortunately, my dog loves the snow and water!

Fun Fact:

My first job in High School was teaching swimming lessons at the local park.
