Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

Davies is a leading Canadian business law firm focused on high-stakes matters. Tackling our clients’ issues with clarity and speed, we are consistently at the heart of their most complex deals and cases.

With offices in Toronto, Montréal and New York, the firm’s capabilities extend across borders. Our lawyers are internationally recognized for their technical rigour and ability to create solutions for our clients that simply work. Considered a top-tier firm in each of our core practice areas, we represent a wide range of organizations across industries in North America and abroad. 

Recent Firm News & Legal Updates

Wlg | Impact
June 1, 2023

As part of Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP's (Canada - Québec) ongoing commitment to give back to our community, it is tradition for Davies students to plan and participate in various events in support of charitable organizations.
May 8, 2023

Former WLG President Robert Vineberg tells how his 35-year relationship with World Law Group helped build his practice through global relationships.
USA, Brazil, Canada
December 20, 2022

Networking is an essential part of building your legal practice. Connections can happen anywhere, anytime, and you want to be prepared to build meaningful and lasting relationships. During WLG | at large '22, several of our member firm lawyers and professionals discussed the three stages of networking and relationship building, sharing...
August 18, 2022

Marc André Gaudreau Duval, a Partner at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, discusses his firm's dynamic Family Office, what he looks forward to as WLG's newest International Tax & Private Wealth Co-chair, and what he does in his free time.
Legal Updates Canada
July 25, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on anti-corruption laws applicable to corporations. Corey Omer and Léon H. Moubayed author this chapter from Canada.

Firm Offices in Member Jurisdiction



Canada - Québec Montréal

Firm Offices in Other Jurisdictions



Canada - Ontario Toronto

United States


USA - New York New York City

*Indicates affiliated firm

All Firm Contacts
Committees & Programs
Business Development Committee
Business Development Committee
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Corporate Social Responsibility Forum
Corporate Social Responsibility Forum
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Key Contact Partners Forum
Key Contact Partners Forum
Louis-Martin O'Neill
Louis-Martin O'Neill Copied!
+1514841654 lmoneill@dwpv.com
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Member Firm Leaders Forum
Member Firm Leaders Forum
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Louis-Martin O'Neill
Louis-Martin O'Neill Copied!
+1514841654 lmoneill@dwpv.com
Membership Committee
Membership Committee
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Practice Group Leaders Forum
Practice Group Leaders Forum
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval Copied!
+1514433780 maduval@dwpv.com
Women of WLG (WOW)
Women of WLG (WOW)
Eloise Noiseux Copied!
+5142974948 enoiseux@dwpv.com
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Nanci Ship Copied!
+5142202757 nship@dwpv.com
Sabrina Viau-Chauny Copied!
+4388179391 sviauchauny@dwpv.com
Vanessa Pendenza Copied!
Young Lawyers Forum
Young Lawyers Forum
Corey Omer
Corey Omer Copied!
+5148416534 comer@dwpv.com
Eloise Noiseux Copied!
+5142974948 enoiseux@dwpv.com
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval Copied!
+1514433780 maduval@dwpv.com
Vanessa Pendenza Copied!
Practice & Industry Groups
Antitrust, Competition & Foreign Direct Investment
Antitrust, Competition & Foreign Direct Investment
Corey Omer
Corey Omer Copied!
+5148416534 comer@dwpv.com
Louis-Martin O'Neill
Louis-Martin O'Neill Copied!
+1514841654 lmoneill@dwpv.com
Nick Rodrigo
Nick Rodrigo Copied!
+5148416548 nrodrigo@dwpv.com
Compliance & Investigations
Compliance & Investigations
Corey Omer
Corey Omer Copied!
+5148416534 comer@dwpv.com
Eloise Noiseux Copied!
+5142974948 enoiseux@dwpv.com
Léon Moubayed
Léon Moubayed Copied!
+1514841646 lmoubayed@dwpv.com
Corporate Transactions
Corporate Transactions
Charles Larose Jodoin
Charles Larose Jodoin Copied!
+5145891663 clarosejodoin@dwpv.com
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval Copied!
+1514433780 maduval@dwpv.com
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Robert Vineberg
Robert Vineberg Copied!
+5148416444 rvineberg@dwpv.com
Vanessa Pendenza Copied!
Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution
Corey Omer
Corey Omer Copied!
+5148416534 comer@dwpv.com
Eloise Noiseux Copied!
+5142974948 enoiseux@dwpv.com
Guillaume Xavier Charlebois Copied!
+15148416404 gcharlebois@dwpv.com
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Louis-Martin O'Neill
Louis-Martin O'Neill Copied!
+1514841654 lmoneill@dwpv.com
Nick Rodrigo
Nick Rodrigo Copied!
+5148416548 nrodrigo@dwpv.com
Energy & Infrastructure
Energy & Infrastructure
Charles Larose Jodoin
Charles Larose Jodoin Copied!
+5145891663 clarosejodoin@dwpv.com
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval Copied!
+1514433780 maduval@dwpv.com
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Philippe Johnson
Philippe Johnson Copied!
+1514841650 pjohnson@dwpv.com
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property
Benoit Archambault
Benoit Archambault Copied!
+1514841647 barchambault@dwpv.com
Labor & Employment
Labor & Employment
Louise Patry Copied!
+5148416428 lpatry@dwpv.com
Privacy & Data Protection
Privacy & Data Protection
Corey Omer
Corey Omer Copied!
+5148416534 comer@dwpv.com
Elliot Greenstone Copied!
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Real Estate & Construction
Real Estate & Construction
Anthony Arquin
Anthony Arquin Copied!
+0015148416426 aarquin@dwpv.com
Charles Larose Jodoin
Charles Larose Jodoin Copied!
+5145891663 clarosejodoin@dwpv.com
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval Copied!
+1514433780 maduval@dwpv.com
Robert Vineberg
Robert Vineberg Copied!
+5148416444 rvineberg@dwpv.com
Sylvie Samson Copied!
Restructuring & Insolvency Resolution
Restructuring & Insolvency Resolution
Christian Lachance Copied!
Eloise Noiseux Copied!
+5142974948 enoiseux@dwpv.com
Tax & Private Wealth
Tax & Private Wealth
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval
Marc Andre Gaudreau Duval Copied!
+1514433780 maduval@dwpv.com
Rhonda Rudick Copied!
+1514841652 rrudick@dwpv.com
Corey Omer
Corey Omer Copied!
+5148416534 comer@dwpv.com
Elliot Greenstone Copied!
Jessica Major Copied!
+4384947422 jmajor@dwpv.com
Nick Rodrigo
Nick Rodrigo Copied!
+5148416548 nrodrigo@dwpv.com
Other Firm Members
A Lebihan Copied!
Andrea Dupuis
Andrea Dupuis Copied!
+5145628708 adupuis@dwpv.com
Anne-Sophie Villeneuve Copied!
Caroline Parent-Harvey Copied!
Chaim Zelinger Copied!
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Copied!
+1514841640 info@dwpv.com
Denis Ferland Copied!
Florence Simard
Florence Simard Copied!
+1514841658 fsimard@dwpv.com
Heidi Reinblatt Copied!
Ian Caines Copied!
Jesse Boretsky Copied!
Jessica Martori Copied!
+5148416400 jmartori@dwpv.com
Jordan Altman Copied!
Joseph-Anael Lemieux Copied!
Julie Girard
Julie Girard Copied!
Justin Vineberg
Justin Vineberg Copied!
+1514841653 jvineberg@dwpv.com
Lara Sioui Copied!
+1514621874 lsioui@dwpv.com
Marie-Emmanuelle Vaillancourt Copied!
+1514841654 mevaillancourt@dwpv.com
Mehlka Mustansir Copied!
+1514841640 mmustansir@dwpv.com
Michael Kandev
Michael Kandev Copied!
+1514841655 mkandev@dwpv.com
Olivia Khazam
Olivia Khazam Copied!
+5148416484 okhazam@dwpv.com
Perle Goldstein Copied!
Samuel St-Jean Copied!
Samuil Rosenov Stoychev Copied!
+5148416535 srosenovstoychev@dwpv.com
Sarah Powell Copied!
+ spowell@dwpv.com
Shayna Goldman
Shayna Goldman Copied!
+5148416425 sgoldman@dwpv.com
Stephanie Pasternyk Copied!
Sumeet Dang
Sumeet Dang Copied!
Taj Kudhail Copied!
Tania Djerrahian Copied!