About Andrea Tellería
Primary Practice areas:
  • Andrea Tellería
  • Cuatrecasas
  • Member Firm for Spain
Office Location:
  • Office Phone:
  • +646081815
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: -
Phonetic: -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Associate
Andrea's Recent Contributions:
Legal Updates Cuatrecasas
February 4, 2024

The study analyzes 38 private equity deals signed in 2022 and 2023.
Legal Updates Cuatrecasas
January 23, 2024

Analysis of the keys to negotiating investments of venture capital funds in startups.
Legal Updates Cuatrecasas
November 20, 2023

One year after the entry into force of Act 16/2022, it is time to take stock. This guide presents the main milestones in the interpretation of the new pre-insolvency restructuring regime in light of the court rulings on certain transactions. We have analyzed 21 restructuring plans, including the main plans negotiated in Spain during this first...
Legal Updates Cuatrecasas
October 10, 2023

In this third quarter of the year, and due to the recent general elections, the number of legislative novelties is lower. However, some of the regulations issued during the last quarter continue to be important, such as those related to violence and harassment, with the entry into force of Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization...
Legal Updates Cuatrecasas
October 4, 2023

New voluntary label for bonds offered or listed in the EU to be marketed as EU Green Bonds.
Andrea's WLG Events