About Brooke Belliveau
Jurisdiction:Canada - British Colombia
Primary Practice areas:
  • Brooke Belliveau
  • World Law Group
  • Member Firm for USA - Washington
Office Location:
Vancouver, Canada - British Colombia
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: she/her
Phonetic: -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Professional
Brooke's Recent Contributions:
Castrén & Snellman
June 27, 2024

"There has been a shift in mandatory ESG regulation in the last few years and most of our clients are still playing catch-up. ESG is penetrating all areas of law and ESG must be incorporated throughout a firm’s service offering."
Member Firm News Bech-Bruun
June 25, 2024

Legally, Denmark offers a transparent and efficient legal system that is easy to navigate and provides strong protection of intellectual property rights. The country's legislation is modern, efficient, and in line with EU legislation, which supports international trade and investments. Denmark's consistentlyconsistent high ranking in 'Ease of...
Member Firm News CMS Germany
June 25, 2024

The circular economy offers multiple investment opportunities across nearly all sectors and is on top of the political agenda in Germany. However, while the country offers opportunities for growth and innovation, businesses must navigate a dynamic landscape shaped by political transitions, economic challenges, and evolving regulatory frameworks...
Member Firm News ENS
June 18, 2024

Kenya boasts one of the most diversified and advanced economies in Africa, which rebounded rapidly from the COVID-19 pandemic. The country provides various tax and investment incentives to both local and foreign investors, including tax holidays, duty-free importations, and a 100% investment deduction on capital expenditures for eligible...
Member Firm News ENS
June 18, 2024

While Ghana's government welcomes foreign private investment, the investment legislation prescribes local participation requirements for certain sectors to limit foreign domination in the economy. From a cultural perspective, Ghanaian people enjoy getting to know their business associates personally before beginning formal business proceedings....
Brooke's WLG Events
  • 2024
  • 24
  • JUL

Green Horizons: Nurturing Sustainability Through Innovative Initiatives

  • 2024
  • 02
  • MAY

WLG | regional New York '24

  • 2024
  • 11
  • DEC

Business Development Committee

  • 2024
  • 20
  • NOV

Business Development Committee

  • 2024
  • 09
  • OCT

Business Development Committee

  • 2024
  • 09
  • OCT

Business Development Committee

  • 2024
  • 11
  • SEP

Business Development Committee

  • 2024
  • 10
  • JUL

Business Development Committee