About Alexia Santamaria
Jurisdiction:El Salvador
Primary Practice areas:
  • Alexia Santamaria
  • Arias
  • Member Firm for Costa Rica
Office Location:
San Salvador, El Salvador
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: she/her
Phonetic: -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Professional
Alexia's Recent Contributions:
Thought Leadership Arias
June 26, 2024

The punitive actions announced by the SAT on May 21 regarding the splitting of C/F invoices would imply more legal risks for the issuer than for the offender.
Thought Leadership Arias
June 25, 2024

Labor relations are crucial for companies, yet they face significant legal challenges. Adhering to clear contracts, proper worker classifications, and regulatory benefits is essential to avoid legal issues and safeguard corporate value. Regularly evaluating compliance with labor regulations helps mitigate operational and legal risks.
Legal Updates Arias
June 25, 2024

By Agreement No. SAR-237-2024, the deadline for filing the Monthly Purchase Declaration for Sales Tax (DMC) is shortened from 20 to 5 days.
Legal Updates Arias
June 24, 2024

The use of electronic signatures expedites administrative procedures before the Tax Authority, reduces costs and eliminates geographical barriers. This digital tool, which has the same legal value as a handwritten signature, benefits both the tax administration and local and foreign taxpayers, promoting the modernization and efficiency of tax...
Legal Updates Arias
June 24, 2024

In Panama, all advertising that intends to promote products or services that have an impact on the health of the population must be approved by the Panamanian Ministry of Health. Therefore, it is essential to know the regulations that apply to obtain this type of authorization.
Alexia's WLG Events