Jurisdiction:South Korea
Primary Practice areas:
  • Hyun Kyung
  • Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
  • Member Firm for South Korea
Office Location:
Seoul, South Korea
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: -
Phonetic: -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Professional
Hyun's Recent Contributions:
Wlg | Impact Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
August 21, 2024

On April 27, Dongcheon Legal Center for NPOs co-hosted the 11th NPO Legal Support Group Training Program at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC with the Korean Bar Association and the Seoul Bar Association. The program, which was launched in 2017, aims to train legal practitioners to assist non-profit organizations (NPO) and promote pro bono...
Hyun's WLG Events