About Josephine Shih
Primary Practice areas:None
  • Josephine Shih
  • Formosa Transnational
  • Member Firm for Taiwan
Office Location:
Taipei, Taiwan
  • Office Phone:
  • +8862275573
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: -
Phonetic: -
Practice Area(s): None
Industry Area(s): -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Lawyer
Josephine's Recent Contributions:
Legal Updates Formosa Transnational
November 8, 2020

A member of the Legislative Yuan, pointed out that the Chinese investments in the industries of “retail sales of telecommunications equipment in specialized stores” and “retail sales via mail order houses or via the Internet” raise information security concerns.
Legal Updates Formosa Transnational
May 7, 2020

Taiwan's experience derived from SARS in 2003 provides a special precedent for contract enforcement with or without force majeure provision in the Covid-19 pandemic. See the standards established through Taiwan court cases on the non-performance of commercial contracts during the impact of SARS.
Josephine's WLG Events
  • 2023
  • 19
  • JUN

WLG | beyond borders '23