About Daniel Tietjen
Primary Practice areas:
  • Daniel Tietjen
  • Taylor Wessing
  • Member Firm for Germany
Office Location:
Munich, Germany
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: -
Phonetic: -
Practice Area(s): -
Industry Area(s): -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Lawyer
Daniel's Recent Contributions:
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
June 27, 2024

In its decision of 19 January 2023 (Case No.: 312 O 256/21), the Regional Court of Hamburg had to deal with the admissibility of various statements advertising an energy drink in which the drink was said to increase the ability to concentrate and react. The question arose as to whether such statements could constitute an infringement of Art. 10...
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
June 26, 2024

A decision by the Arbitration Board of the German Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry (FSA) concerns the sponsoring of external training events and the assessment of the existence of an “incentive effect”, which overturns the previous ruling practice of the FSA.
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