About Dexter Leland
Jurisdiction:USA - Washington, DC
Primary Practice areas:
  • Dexter Leland
  • Lane Powell PC
  • Member Firm for USA - Washington
Office Location:
Seattle, USA - Washington, DC
  • Office Phone:
  • +2065809715
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: -
Phonetic: -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Associate
Dexter's Recent Contributions:
Legal Updates Lane Powell PC
June 21, 2024

It has been a busy 2024 for federal agencies and the Oregon and Washington legislatures, which have ushered in new laws and regulations that affect employer-employee relationships in senior living communities.
Legal Updates Lane Powell PC
June 7, 2024

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) regulations issued by the EEOC become effective on June 18, 2024. Passed in 2023, the PWFA is a federal law that mandates employers provide reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
Legal Updates Lane Powell PC
May 6, 2024

A recent study by SHRM shows that approximately 26% of organizations use Artificial Intelligence to support Human Resource-related activities. As AI adoption quickens and its use expands, employers must be mindful of compliance obligations.
Legal Updates Lane Powell PC
April 29, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has voted to publish its final rule banning most worker non-compete agreements. If and when the rule becomes effective, it will ban non-competes going forward.
Legal Updates Lane Powell PC
April 9, 2024

Businesses operating in Washington state that require their employees or contractors to comply with noncompete or customer nonsolicitation covenants should review their agreements to avoid claims and penalties when significant changes to state law become effective on June 6, 2024.
Dexter's WLG Events