About Niklas Heldt
Primary Practice areas:
  • Niklas Heldt
  • Taylor Wessing
  • Member Firm for Germany
Office Location:
Dusseldorf, Germany
Firm Title: -
Pronouns: -
Phonetic: -
Year Admitted to Bar:
Designation: Associate
Niklas's Recent Contributions:
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
December 3, 2023

Recently published research of the European Patent Office and the UK government as well as a German government agency’s policy paper confirm the role of IP for start-up success, particularly for academic spin-offs.
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
November 21, 2023

The newly passed Future Financing Act (Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz) in Germany significantly expands the scope of Section 19a EStG, enhancing employee equity participation by extending tax deferral benefits and eligibility criteria for companies.
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
October 31, 2023

The Federal Court of Justice has ruled the following: Sellers of real estate must inform buyers about potential costs for upcoming maintenance works without being asked - regardless of the buyer’s possibility to inspect the respective documents uploaded in a (virtual) data room.
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
October 26, 2023

Artificially intelligent medical software, vital for diagnostics and treatment, faces certification challenges with dynamic AI, which continuously learns, being generally uncertifiable. This situation underlines the need for updated regulations to support AI's evolving role in healthcare.
Legal Updates Taylor Wessing
October 11, 2023

In its ruling of December 15, 2022, the Regional Court of Hamburg prohibited a statutory health insurance company from providing doctors with information that incorrectly advertised the cost-effectiveness of a therapeutic allergen.
Niklas's WLG Events
  • 2022
  • 24
  • MAY

CSR Forum

  • 2022
  • 15
  • MAR

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