35 Years of Leadership: Jes Anker Mikkelsen, former WLG President

Published on Apr 20, 2023


Jes Anker Mikkelsen
Retired from Bech-Bruun and former WLG President

How did you first get involved with WLG, and what led you to take on a leadership position?

My firm had been a member for some years and I had attended almost all of the meetings. I was impressed by the quality of the member firms and their representatives and felt that my firm would be able to work internationally in foreign jurisdictions through highly qualified member firms and, at the same time, maintain our position as an independent Danish law firm. The developments in Europe in particular were relevant for my firm and me. When I was suggested for an appointment as Regional Director for Europe in 2000, I had no hesitation to accept. I was keen to be a part of bringing World Law Group to a higher level with a professional administration. The year before we had hosted a WLG conference in Copenhagen and the personal relationships I had experienced through that only confirmed my decision.

We had a very constructive Board and the group expanded. The cooperation between the member firms increased to the benefit of our clients and our law firms.

I was elected president in the spring of 2001 and it was my intention to expand the membership with first-class independent law firms from jurisdictions where our clients had a need for assistance. We initiated a vetting procedure, and the process was running smoothly.

However, my time as a President became rather turbulent. The 9/11 disaster and the SARS pandemic made it extremely difficult to maintain the close contact we had through personal meetings, but our membership and the friendships among the delegates proved to be very strong and that brought us through the difficult times.

While serving as WLG President, what did you learn about WLG and its value to member firms?

Serving as a president, I was pleased to ascertain the common interest in being a part of a high-quality network and at the same time maintaining each individual firm's independence. It was easy and fast to instruct another member firm which was a top firm in its jurisdiction. By having a focus on establishing personal relationships, we would be able to serve our clients at a higher level. World Law Group is an excellent forum for business development and I am pleased to see that this part is still increasing. For many member firms, the cooperation as a whole can be considered the firm's largest client.

What impact did your leadership positions within the network have on your relationship with other member firms, your practice, and your firm?

My position within the network has meant everything to me. It has given me an insight into how law firms are managed all over the world, how the legal practice and structure of our profession are developing, and how to prepare for that. Our membership has confirmed our position to maintain our independence. My firm has become closer to some member firms and our cooperation has had our membership as the starting point. At a personal level, I have been so fortunate to have become friends with some of the delegates and their spouses. We have spent time together also outside the network and are thankful to World Law Group membership for that.

As we reflect upon our growth during our 35th anniversary, tell us about the changes you've seen in the network during the years you have been involved.

Working internationally has become a natural part of doing business. Cross-border transactions representing various nationalities are more common. Digitalisation has shown us how easily and quickly we can establish contact with clients and member firms all over the world without even thinking about where our contacts are physically situated.