35 Years of Leadership: Moira Huggard-Caine, former WLG Director

Moira Huggard-Caine
Retired from TozziniFreire and former WLG Director
How did you first get involved with WLG, and what led you to take on a leadership position?
When I joined TozziniFreire, the firm was already a member of the WLG. At that time, José Luis Freire, was the key contact partner and a big fan of the group. What he didn’t tell me and, I found out quite quickly, was that he intended to host a conference in Brazil, which he expected me to organize. In preparation for an enjoyable and unforgettable conference, I engaged in all aspects of the WLG (membership, camaradiere, practice groups, etc). Our Conference was held in 1997. I was so fascinated with everyone’s involvement, the friendships, exchange of experiences, learning opportunities, etc. that I started to devote time to increase my participation in the network. Taking on a leadership position was then a natural process.
How did your leadership roles in WLG help build your global network and impact your firm's collaborations with other network members
As Americas Regional Director, I was entitled to a seat at the Board of Directors. Both leadership positions provided me with unparalleled opportunities to better understand each of our member firm strengths Getting to know the individuals who represented the firms and creating a strong personal, professional and trustworthy relationship with each and everyone allowed our firm to expeditiously assist our clients in the most diverse and sophisticated matters.
Additionally, the leadership role allowed me to propose discussions on topics that were becoming future trends in the market such as compliance, corporate governance, cyber security, etc. Seeing what was going on in a certain jurisdiction, allowed our firm to prepare a strategy for what was yet to come.
Tell us about a meaningful connection you were able to make because of your leadership roles.
Reflecting about this question, meaningful connections are the legacy of the WLG. There are so many and, so powerful, that describing one in detriment to another would be extremely unfair.
As we reflect upon our growth during our 35th anniversary, tell us about the changes you've seen in the network during the years you have been involved.
WLG has been able to continue to attract top tier independent firms worldwide. It has become a hub for the exchange of experiences and client work. The internship program and the interaction of the several practice groups have allowed the individuals at each of the member firms to become aware of the importance of the group and, the benefits it can bring in terms of business opportunities and updates on new market trends.