35 Years of Leadership: Victor Xercavins, Board of Directors 2013–2019

Victor Xercavins, Cuatrecasas
WLG Board of Directors 2013–2019
How did you first get involved with WLG, and what led you to take on a leadership position?
A number of years ago, as an even younger partner of Cuatrecasas with an international focus I was requested by the Firm, and specifically by my partner Raimundo Segura, the main contact partner at that time, to join him as Cuatrecasas’ representative at the WLG. Needless to say that I was very excited about the opportunity.
What was the most meaningful accomplishment during your time as a board member?
I served as board member for a number of years and I wouldn’t like to highlight any particular accomplishment as it would be indirectly a way to diminish other relevant actions/achievements, but I do want to highlight the great and positive collaboration with my fellow board members during all those years, and particularly the leadership of the past presidents Swee-Kee Ng, Neil Sheehy, and Emer Gilvarry; and last but not least the work with our great staff members and particularly with Beth Castro.
While serving in various leadership capacities and as a Key Contact Partner for your firm, what more did you learn about WLG and its value to members?
I learned many things, but probably the most relevant one relates to the confidence, trust, and loyalty between members firms.
What impact has your involvement in WLG had on your practice?
It has clearly increased my exposure to the international arena, and has helped me/us to provide better service to Cuatrecasas’ clients, both directly and indirectly through the members firms; being able to provide great service in different jurisdictions around the globe, with the confidence that the clients will be treated with the same quality and "care" that we would devote to them. This is not easy to say and even less to obtain.
As we reflect upon our growth during our 35th anniversary, tell us about the changes you've seen in the network during the years you have been involved and what leads you to believe our best days are ahead of us.
When I joined the WLG, it was already a reasonably well-established international network, but since then it has clearly evolved in a very positive way, not only in terms of size and footprint but also in terms of organization and professionalism. I do believe that considering the evolution of the international landscape, the WLG -despite the challenges that will have to face- has a lot to offer in the future and will play a relevant role in the international legal market.