Brazil: Article co-authored by partner Vivian Fraga is awarded at the Antitrust Writing Awards 2024

Published on Apr 11, 2024

The article Brazil: Unveiling the vertical merger landscape – A decade of assessments by CADE’s Tribunal written by Vivian Fraga, partner in the Antitrust practice at TozziniFreire, in partnership with other leading market players, was awarded Best Antitrust Business Article, in the Americas category, at the Antitrust Writing Awards 2024. The awards ceremony took place last Tuesday, April 9, in Washington, DC.

Held by the French magazine Concurrences since 2019, and The George Washington University Law School, the award aims to highlight innovative initiatives that promote a culture of competition and compliance through antitrust laws.

This nomination is an international recognition of the extensive work in developing a novel database on non-horizontal mergers in Brazil, conducted by IBRAC’s group, coordinated and revised by Bruno Droghetti, Vivian Fraga, Adriana Hernandez Perez, Izabella Passos, Fabiana Tito.

The authors special thank CADE for the technical collaboration and transparency in the dialogue, which have always been guided by the highest sense of fostering competition law.