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August 8, 2024

This policy covers World Law Group's (WLG) promotion of member firms through its website, social media platforms, and third-party platforms and member firms' promotion of WLG on the same.
Malaysia, Australia, Uruguay, Belgium, India, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, Finland, Singapore, Spain, Luxembourg, Ghana
June 10, 2024

We asked our member firms around the globe to complete a short Q&A to help WLG colleagues and others learn more about them, how to successfully do business in their countries, key investment sectors, and what business opportunities are hot in the market right now. This guide was initially published in 2021. Several chapters have been updated in...
May 14, 2024

In March 2024 the government made some announcements related to the lithium exploitation on salt flats in Chile, all within the Chilean lithium national strategy. Private investors will be able to participate in the exploration and or exploitation of lithium deposits.
Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam
April 26, 2024

Takeaways from a recent Privacy & Data Protection meeting.
El Salvador
October 31, 2023

On November 1, 2023, the Legislative Assembly approved the “Special and Transitory Law that grants Facilities for the Voluntary Compliance of Tax and Customs Obligations”, effective until December 8, 2023.
August 8, 2023

Contracts can be accepted in a variety of ways many of us are familiar with, from an informal handshake to signing on the dotted line. Now a court in Canada has ruled that even emojis can signal acceptance of a contract. What could be the application in Irish law?
May 31, 2023

It's no secret that the rapid increase in interest rates over the past year has resulted in an extremely challenged CRE lending environment. Even where a borrower secures a commitment for traditional financing, the higher interest rates, tight covenants, and onerous reserve, deposit and guaranty requirements often make such debt unattractive....
May 16, 2023

Women of World Law Group—or as we like to call them, WOW— hosted its first-ever WOW Talk in March. An impressive group of female leaders shared personal best practices in paving the way for women to have important roles in the workplace. Listening to a group of women discuss their experiences demonstrates it’s not just about creating a...
April 27, 2023

The object of the programme is to offer patients a lawful way of testing treatment with medicinal cannabis, if they have experienced no benefits from authorised medicines and thereby to respond to patients’ self-medication by way of illegal products.
March 21, 2023

Our Human Resources Group looked at hot topic issues in employment law such as quiet-quitting and gender pay equality in 2023 in this three-part podcast series.
March 21, 2023

Our Human Resources Group looked at hot topic issues in employment law such as quiet-quitting and gender pay equality in 2023 in this three-part podcast series.
March 21, 2023

Our Human Resources Group looked at hot topic issues in employment law such as quiet-quitting and gender pay equality in 2023 in this three-part podcast series.
March 7, 2023

In a recent ruling, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decisively rejected J&J’s use of a restructuring maneuver designed to insulate the company’s profitable lines of business from the burgeoning liabilities associated with its former talcum powder operations.
February 28, 2023

M&A lawyers and W&I insurance brokers saw long hours, late and often sleepless nights with the booming M&A market in 2021, which was a record year for M&A deals. Macroeconomic factors such as inflation, supply chain issues, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and lingering pandemic effects impacted the market no matter where one...
July 12, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Brian Hsieh and Emily Hsu of Formosa share their thoughts on Taiwan.
May 31, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Raffaella Betti Berutto and Chiara Palombi share their views from Italy.
May 21, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Ana Carolina Maciel Ribeiro de Almeida shares her view from Brazil.
May 16, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Philippe Schmit, Louisa Silcox, and Elise Wojciechowski share their views from Luxembourg.
May 11, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Louise Patry and Arianna Yoffe share their views from Canada.
March 21, 2022

"You may sometimes feel that there are too many cloudy days and no clear skies in sight - make sure you don't lose track of who you are and where you want to get." Karla Lini Maeji, Americas Co-chair of WLG's Compliance & Investigations Group and partner at TozziniFreire, reflects on the lessons she has learned as a partner at her law...
March 18, 2022

"Practicing law for two decades teaches me the importance of being realistic while at the same time imagination and creativity can change the situation and outcome. Imagination and creativity do not come from abstract thinking only, they stem from the experiences and professionalism we have." Jane Wang, Partner at Formosa Transnational...
March 17, 2022

What female inspires Lindsay Everitt, Director of Marketing & Client Relations at Goodmans? It's one of this century’s most impressive heads of state, which made a bucket list vacation to New Zealand all the more meaningful. "At 41, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has led a country through a pandemic, terrorist attacks and natural disasters,...
March 16, 2022

What are the keys to success? Wendy Lin, Partner at WongPartnership and Co-chair of WLG's Dispute Resolution Group says, "Not being afraid to chart the way forward even if you are one of the rare women in the field; appreciating that you should be judged on merit and ability, not based on gender or any other consideration." Wendy...
South Africa
March 15, 2022

Annemieke van der Valk of ENSafrica, and one of WLG's Marketing & BD Professionals Ambassadors, says the key to balancing her career and personal life is finding ways to prioritize herself. "Fit in that call with a family member, pop out for a quick walk in the sunshine, or catch up with an old colleague over coffee. A well-balanced life...
March 14, 2022

WLG Young Lawyers Ambassador Arlene Maneja decided to become a lawyer because she enjoyed debating in school and really found meaning and joy in learning about issues, constructing arguments and persuading others to see your perspective. She says, "Being a lawyer would give me maximum opportunity to do this, not just in a litigation...
March 10, 2022

Dawn Beddard is one of the leaders of WLG's Marketing & Business Development Professionals Forum. When asked how women can women support other women in their organizations, she says, "There has been progress in gender equality but more needs to be done and I think it needs everyone across an organisation – no matter what gender. The male...
March 9, 2022

"Hold firmly to your principles, do not compromise on integrity, speak your mind firmly but politely when making your expectations known and heard." - Advice from Suganthi Singam of Shearn Delamore & Co. (Malaysia) to young female associates looking to advance their careers. Suganthi co-chairs WLG's HR Law Group, and believes that...
March 9, 2022

How does WLG IP&IT Group Co-chair Amalia Berg balance her career and personal life? Her standard somewhat tongue-in-cheek answer is "some days better than others". As a partner in a law firm and mother of four, she says she came to realize early on that the balance cannot be measured on a daily basis: there will always be competing...
March 8, 2022

Maria Elisa Verri of TozziniFreire (Brazil) sits on WLG's Board of Directors as the Americas Director. When asked how she balances her career and personal life, Maria Elisa says, "I believe that I am pretty successful in managing the balance between my career and personal life. One thing that helped me throughout the different phases of my...
March 7, 2022

Meet our next WOW, Rebekka Krause of Taylor Wessing in Germany. Rebekka is the EMEA co-chair of WLG's Compliance & Investigations Group. Her advice to young female associates looking to make partner or advance their careers is to make a plan well in advance: think about which steps are necessary, which influences in life could play a role and...
March 3, 2022

In our next WOW, meet Pamela Kung of Shearn & Delamore & Co. (Malaysia), who is the Asia Regional Director on WLG's Board of Directors. Pamela became a lawyer to fulfill her childhood ambition. On the topic of gender diversity within law firms, she says, "Gender diversity encourages exchange between different perspectives and promotes...
March 3, 2022

Our next WOW is Vera Kanas of TozziniFreire, Partner and Head of the firm's International Trade Group. She is also the Americas Co-chair of WLG's International Trade Group. Vera says "the keys to success for women are perseverance and focus. These are female qualities in the sense that women are successful 'multitaskers' - mothers, wives,...
March 3, 2022

Meet our next WOW, Chair of WLG's #CSR Forum, Janet Pahima of Herzog, Fox & Neeman in Israel. When asked what female inspires her, Janet replied "I love Phyllis Korff. She is a partner at Mayer Brown and former long-time partner at Skadden. She is the top in her field of securities law, and yet she is the ultimate caring, warm, grandmother....
February 24, 2022

The European Commission has released the long-awaited proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. Companies will be required to identify and, where necessary, prevent, eliminate or mitigate the adverse impacts of their activities on human rights
February 23, 2022

Our Equity Capital Markets and Cannabis sector teams have advised pan-European medical cannabis company Kanabo Group Plc on its £13.5 million acquisition of The GP Service Limited, a UK based private primary care telemedicine provider.
United Arab Emirates
February 21, 2022

In the final installment of our Venture Capital video series, our Partner & Head of Corporate Commercial Abdullah Mutawi continues the conversation with Khaled Talhouni , Managing Partner, Nuwa Capital , Philip Bahoshy , Founder and CEO, MAGNiTT - Now Hiring! , Basil M. , General Partner, Global Ventures , and Prashant K. (PK)...
February 18, 2022

Executive summary of the main legal developments to watch in 2022.
February 18, 2022

Interest of the financial services industry in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters has surged in recent years driven mainly by rapid regulatory developments and the rising investors’ awareness about the climate change and sustainability aspects of their investments. The EU Commission was particularly eager to become a trendsetter...
February 17, 2022

Recent federal legislation seeks to address the ever-increasing demand for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. On Nov. 15, 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was signed into law. The IIJA specifically allocates $7.5 billion specifically for EV infrastructure programs and grants on a national level. In addition, on Nov....
February 17, 2022

Environmental Partner, Brian Moskal, recently presented at Greenberg Glusker's CLE Last Dash series discussing key 2021 environmental law cases. View the video below to learn about four key environmental cases under CERCLA, the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act that impact various industries.
February 16, 2022

Derived from the tax reform to the Income Tax Law ("ISR") that came into force on January 1, 2022, new obligations were included to designate a legal representative in Mexico by a resident abroad in Article 174 of the ISR Law. We believe that the imposition of such obligations can have a great impact on the application of the benefits...
February 16, 2022

Key legislation entered into full force on January 4, 2022, with the potential to affect finance transactions. The National Security and Investment Act 2021 ( NSI Act ) introduces to the UK a new investment screening regime, which requires that certain types of transactions are notified to, and cleared by the Secretary of State for Business,...
February 16, 2022

Framework agreements are widely used in the public sector as they offer a fast and cost effective method of procurement. Following on from its publication of " The Construction Playbook " in December 2020, the Cabinet Office commissioned a report into the use of construction frameworks in the public sector: " Constructing the Gold Standard: An...
February 16, 2022

Section 145 of the Delaware General Corporation Law ( DGCL ) allows corporations to protect present and former directors and officers from expenses incurred in connection with proceedings arising from actions taken in service to the company or at the company’s direction. These rights apply to threatened, pending or completed lawsuits or...
February 16, 2022

In light of the recent wave of states legalizing cannabis, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) recently released “Clarifying Guidance” on how the personal use of cannabis, hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) products, and investments in cannabis-related companies may impact an individual’s security clearance eligibility.
February 16, 2022

Technology Sector lead, Oisín Tobin gives a comprehensive overview of the key trends and legal issues we will likely see in the coming months. A must watch for anyone working in the technology sector.
February 16, 2022

Israel’s District Court has rejected the Tax Authority’s position and ruled that proceeds of credit risk insurance received in respect of the unpaid price for goods are not considered consideration in the sale transaction and the seller can issue “VAT credit notices” The Central District Court – Lod recently heard joint appeals dealing with a...
February 16, 2022

According to the provisions in the European customs regulations, the Union Customs Code, it is stated that in the case of failure to comply with customs regulations at the moment of importation of goods into the EU, a customs debt is considered to have occurred towards the authorities. Liable for this customs debt is any person who knew or...
South Africa
February 15, 2022

South Africa’s Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, is to deliver his maiden budget speech on 23 February. After almost two years since South Africa declared a State of Disaster in light of the COVID-19 pandemic the economic outlook for South Africa remains constrained. This is due to low economic growth, growing unemployment rates and...
South Africa
February 15, 2022

On 20 December 2021, the Anti-Global Base Erosion (“ GloBE ”) Rules were released by the OECD. Also known as Pillar Two, the rules are designed to ensure that large multinational enterprises (“ MNEs ”) pay a minimum level of tax on income arising in each jurisdiction in which they operate.
February 15, 2022

Energy storage and grid stability are among the most important issues in the new energy world. Energy storage systems have the potential to play a key role in integrating renewable energy into the power grid. However, the usage of energy storage, for example by using a battery, is not explicitly dealt with in the Swedish Electricity Act. As...
February 14, 2022

New laws governing AI are on the horizon that will bring about significant change for businesses relying on AI. Negotiations remain ongoing but it is clear, including from a European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)/European Data Protection Board (EDPB) joint opinion last year, that privacy considerations will need to be at the forefront of...
February 14, 2022

Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006, also known as the Nutrition and Health Claims on Food Regulation, became binding and directly applicable to all EU Member States on July 1, 2007. The Regulation allowed food products bearing non-compliant trademarks or brand names, existing before January 1, 2005, to be marketed until January 19, 2022.
February 14, 2022

Why can sports gambling sites, beer and alcohol brands, and crypto companies advertise during the Super Bowl when cannabis companies cannot? Greenberg Glusker’s Steve Stein, Alexa Steinberg, and Priya Sopori look at one cannabis company’s attempt to generate a discussion about these issues by trying to advertise during the Super Bowl.
February 11, 2022

A new Fair Work Commission recommendation provides helpful guidance for employers wanting to collect vaccination status information from employees to support workplace vaccination mandates.
February 10, 2022

Big data, beware. In 2021, we saw increased collaboration between antitrust and data protection regulators concerned with companies amassing and using personal data for commercial purposes. That trend is here to stay: European regulators aim to continue and expand on these enforcement efforts in 2022, especially against technology companies...
February 9, 2022

Our Pro Bono and Community Investment report 2021 outlines our extensive involvement and reminds us all that by working together, collectively, we are a stronger community.
February 8, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of our Public M&A Report for 2021.
February 8, 2022

On Friday, February 4, 2022, President Biden signed an Executive Order on Use of Project Labor Agreements (“PLAs”) for federal construction projects. The logic behind the Executive Order is that construction projects pose unique challenges: 1) construction employers do not typically have a permanent workforce, making it difficult to predict...
February 7, 2022

Taiwan's Bureau of Foreign Trade (BFT) issued resolution No. 17 regarding the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Honduras and Taiwan. After the two nations notified each other that the necessary domestic procedures were completed, the resolution came into effect on January 14, 2022.
February 7, 2022

The Legal 500's brand new Global Green Guide series puts a spotlight on law firms across the globe for their contribution to a green transition. It explores firms’ work for clients in connection with climate change mitigation and sustainability, while also highlighting their own internal best practices and initiatives.
February 7, 2022

As reported by Tom’s Guide, Sony is currently working on a successor to the PlayStation VR ( “PSVR” ). Although Sony has not provided many official updates about the new PSVR, a patent application filed on Feb. 26, 2021 may reveal details about a possible new controller.
February 5, 2022

The Georgia legislature is considering a new exemption to the state’s longstanding franchise laws against vehicle manufacturers selling directly to consumers. Senate Bill 398 is currently before the Georgia State Senate. If adopted, it would expand the limited 2015 exception granted to certain manufacturers of electric vehicles.
United Kingdom
February 3, 2022

The popularity of cryptocurrencies and other cryptoassets continues to grow. Major brands like PayPal now include the facility for users to buy, sell and hold selected cryptoassets, while the pandemic has provided additional impetus, as consumers move to virtual payments and society becomes more cashless. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged...
Saudi Arabia
February 3, 2022

Following the new Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) guidance on Review and Approval of AI and Big Data-Based Medical Devices, our expert lawyers from our Healthcare & Life Sciences sector group, along with our Digital & Data practice, Nick O'Connell and Christina Sochacki, Esq. , discuss the basis on which Big Data and AI-based...
February 2, 2022

The Swedish taxation of individuals is based on the individual’s residential status, i.e. individuals considered to be Swedish residents are subject to unlimited tax liability on their worldwide income, whereas non-residents are taxed only on Swedish source income, i.e. individuals with a limited tax liability.
February 1, 2022

The science, guidance, and regulations related to workplace safety policies for the COVID-19 pandemic are constantly changing (goodbye federal vaccine mandate!). As employers struggle to keep up, they are confronted with the decision of what safety policies to adopt, including, for many, whether to require their employees be vaccinated against...
February 1, 2022

On January 27, 2022, Law Decree No. 4, known as the “Sostegni-ter Decree”, (the “Decree”) was published in the Italian Official Journal and entered into force on the same date, in order to mitigate, among others, the impact of the recent energy price increases and to protect consumers. One of the most significant measures introduced by the...
January 31, 2022

Turnover Filing Threshold for Mergers Will Be Increased From NIS 10 Million to NIS 20 Million; No Abbreviated Forms, Merger Notification Forms Will Be Replaced by a Cumbersome Uniform Form; The ICA Published a Call for Input from the Public Regarding the Analysis of Conglomerate Mergers.
January 28, 2022

Tax form 720: The Court of Justice of the European Union has issued a judgment on the obligation to report overseas assets and rights.
January 27, 2022

The approval of the draft bill amending the Insolvency Act will bring about a significant change to restructuring transactions and will facilitate the sale of business units. With the reform of the law, creditors will be able to agree and impose a restructuring plan on other creditors and the debtor's shareholders. In addition, new money,...
January 27, 2022

There are many sources of risk and liability when using AI. These can range from intellectual property rights, GDPR, the impending AI Regulation, sector specific regulatory requirements and even equality legislation. Contracting for AI, however, is about voluntary risk allocation and the approach taken to this can vary widely. As contracting...
January 27, 2022

EU Member States should have transposed the EU Whistleblower Directive (“EUWD”) into national law by December 17, 2021. Like many other EU Member States, the German legislator has let this implementation deadline pass. Many companies, especially those that have not yet implemented a whistleblower system at all, are therefore faced with an...
January 25, 2022

The overarching global trend remains the energy transition generally and counteracting climate change. This will see the continuation of the same business opportunities and threats that faced our clients in 2021 and plenty of policy and legislative changes for clients to grapple with. In particular Ireland’s climate action plan has a timetable...
January 24, 2022

Taiwan's Legislative Yuan passed amendments to Article 27-1 and Article 30 of the Act for Gender Equality in Education (Act) on January 5, 2022. Before the 2022 amendment, Article 27-1 of the Act stipulated that schools are required to check to ascertain whether teachers or non-teaching workers have ever committed sexual assault, harassment, or...
January 21, 2022

As a general rule, tenderers participating in public procurements have the right to form a consortium and submit a tender as a joint offer to meet the requirements of the competitive tendering. Small companies, in particular, may find it difficult to tender for products or services alone. By combining resources with a competitor, it might,...
January 19, 2022

Under a process known as Sunset Review, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will be abolished in 2023 unless a bill is passed in the 88th Texas Legislative Session reauthorizing the agency.
January 17, 2022

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. David Woolf of Faegree Drinker shares his view from the USA.
January 17, 2022

Taiwan's NCC commissioners approved the legal framework for the draft Digital Communications Act (“Act”) on December 29, 2021. The draft Act contains 11 chapters, four of which stipulate obligations to be imposed on providers of intermediary services, hosting services (which might include Google Drive, Dropbox, and other cloud storage service...
January 13, 2022

Law no. 234/2021 (Budget Law 2022), art. 1, paragraphs 224 - 238, introduced, among many other new provisions, a procedure for prior information and consultation, both at trade union and political/ministerial level, aimed at "guaranteeing occupational and productive protection" in the event of closure and definitive shutdown of business...
January 7, 2022

The Legal Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) has affirmed the decision of the Receiving Section that a patent application cannot succeed where the designated inventor is not a person, but an Artificial Intelligence (AI) machine .
January 4, 2022

Going shopping, cross-border, deSPAC to fund an acquisition, ESG, and looking green are trends to watch.
January 3, 2022

Through Supreme Decree N° 398-2021-EF, the Peruvian Government updated the value of the Peruvian Tax Unit for the year 2022 to PEN 4600.00. Hence, the value of the financial thresholds in Law N° 31112, a Law that establishes the prior control of concentrations operations, has also been updated.
December 21, 2021

Recent developments are creating new opportunities for carbon markets to provide a supporting role in achieving emission reduction targets. These developments also reflect an ever-increasing interest in carbon markets, and the role they can play in assisting organizations to meet their emission reduction objectives.
December 1, 2021

The EU is currently debating harmonized rules for artificial intelligence in the form of a legislative project aimed at making sustainable AI concrete. Finnish Parliament has also recently taken a position on the Commission’s proposed regulation. Clearly, this is a particularly relevant topic to designers and developers of AI systems.
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
November 29, 2021

We advised Taaleri SolarWind II fund, managed by Taaleri energia , and investment company Atsinaujinančios energetikos investicijos, managed by Lords LB Asset Management , on acquiring three wind farms from European Energy , a Danish renewable energy company. This is the largest acquisition in the wind energy sector in the Baltics this year.
November 19, 2021

Bech-Bruun advises J.P. Morgan, Nordea, SEB and Danske Bank in connection with their underwriting of the rights issue in Alm. Brand intended to raise gross proceeds of approx. DKK 10.5 billion to finance Alm. Brand’s purchase of Codan’s Danish business.
November 19, 2021

DoorDash, Inc. will acquire Wolt Enterprises Oy in a transaction valued at approximately EUR 7.0 billion (approx. DKK 52 billion). Closing is subject to customary closing conditions for transactions of this type, including applicable regulatory approvals.
November 18, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Kayra Ücer and Melike Gençalp share their insights from Turkey.
November 8, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Santiago Madalena shares his view from Uruguay.
November 7, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Suganthi Singam of Shearn Delamore & Co. shares her view from Malaysia.
South Korea
November 5, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. A look at South Korea.
November 5, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Michael Pils shares his views from Germany.
November 5, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Gaël Chuffart of CMS Belgium shares his views for Belgium.
United Arab Emirates
November 4, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Ivor McGettigan shares his insights from the UAE.
November 4, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Sigfrido Gross Brown, Sol Avalos, and Kamila Gimenez share their views from Paraguay.
November 4, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Keren Assaf shares her views from Israel.
November 4, 2021

Setterwalls have on behalf Wallenius Lines - active in the global shipping industry and specifically the international car and Ro-Ro segment – contacted not less than nine WLG firms in relation to competition law advice in connection with the establishment of the joint venture.
November 3, 2021

David Moalem and Kristoffer Probst Larsen, Bech-Bruun, have recently contributed a chapter on virtual currencies and the regulatory framework in Denmark in the 4 th edition of The Virtual Currency Regulation Review published by Law Business Research Ltd.
November 2, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Waree Shinsirikul shares her thoughts from Thailand.
November 1, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Yasuyuki Kuribayashi and Yuki Takahashi share their views from Japan.
October 29, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Ronald Mark C. Lleno shares his views from the Philippines.
October 27, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Outi Tähtinen shares her views from Finland.
October 6, 2021

Learn about changing employment laws, new employer obligations, industry trends, and best practices to respond to the ever-changing workplace landscape in Lane Powell’s ever-popular 9-Part “Best Practices for Best Employers™” Labor and Employment Law webinar series, running October 6 through December 8. This free webinar series is ideal for...
China, Denmark
October 5, 2021

In cooperation with Zhong Lun Law Firm, Bech-Bruun assisted China International Marine Containers Group (CIMC) in connection with its acquisition of Maersk Container Industry (MCI).
July 19, 2021

Alfaro Abogados advised Integra Capital and a consortium of Argentine and foreign investors in the completion of the acquisition and takeover of Edenor, Argentina's largest electricity distributor.
June 23, 2021

In a Q&A format, the publication, as attached, gives a high-level overview of key issues involved in inbound Chinese M&A transactions, including structuring issues, legal documents, regulatory approvals, antitrust review, tax considerations, employment matters, environmental protection, etc.
June 4, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Cristina Oviedo shares her views from Peru.
South Africa
May 26, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Lauren Salt and Jessie Moore share their views from South Africa.
May 7, 2021

The infrastructure building blocks of transport, telecommunications and utilities provide the foundation for most of our economic and social wellbeing.
May 6, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work.
May 5, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Nuno Ferreira Morgado shares his views from Portugal.
May 3, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Fabien Pomart of Soulier Avocats shares his view from France.
April 29, 2021

Three WLG member firms were recognized in Firm of the Year Categories at the Chambers Europe Awards in a virtual ceremony held on Thursday, April 22 nd .
Norway, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, England
April 1, 2021

Managing IP hosted a virtual event to celebrate the winners of the 16 th annual Managing IP Awards on March 30. Several WLG member firms were recognized in categories as Firm of the Year.
Costa Rica
March 26, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Carolina Soto Monge shares her view from Costa Rica.
March 26, 2021

Congratulations to our member firms recognized at the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2021! AZB & Partners, VILAF, and Zhong Lun.
March 26, 2021

Faegre Drinker (Illinois, USA) advised KingsIsle in connection with its acquisition by gamigo, a German video game company, with assistance from Hunton Andrews Kurth (Texas, USA).
March 25, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Francisco Udave shares his view from Mexico.
March 25, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Bhuvana Veeraragavan of AZB & Partners and Vinay Vaish of Vaish Associates share their views from India.
March 16, 2021

In this article in Asian Legal Business, authored by Ranajit Dam, WLG President Christian Traichel of Taylor Wessing (Germany) discusses how legal networks – in particular WLG – are rolling out tools and initiatives to help general counsel in making their organizations more agile and effective.
March 13, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Laura LaFuente shares her view from Argentina.
February 19, 2021

World Law Group is pleased to announce that it has once again been ranked an Elite Law Firm Network by Chambers & Partners in the Chambers Global 2021 Guide, which launched on February 18.
February 9, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Jonathan Chamberlain shares his views from England.
February 4, 2021

Has the Covid-19 pandemic indirectly brought a right to work from a "home office“? How does a "home office“ differ from "mobile work“? What are the unknown risks? And who is responsible if an accident or damage were to occur in the "home office“? Employers are facing increasing requests from employees regarding remote working. There are various...
January 27, 2021

WLG launched a Banking & Finance Practice Group, which kicked off on January 26 with a videconference with more than 30 lawyers in attendance.
January 20, 2021

How has the patent landscape changed over the last 40 years and how has this impacted IP case law globally? In the latest podcast in our 'In Conversation with Gowling WLG' series, global intellectual property partner Gordon Harris speaks to the Right Honourable Professor Sir Robin Jacob - a veritable legend of the IP world.
January 19, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Álvaro Fernández Sánchez del Corral shares his views from Spain.
January 15, 2021

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Jenny Tsin shares her views from Singapore.
December 29, 2020

We asked our member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. Gordon Williams, David Paterson, Sam Quinn & Olivia Borgese of MinterEllison share their views from Australia.
Australia, New Zealand
November 11, 2020

The UK government has appointed MinterEllison (Australia) and MinterEllisonRuddWatts (New Zealand) in partnership with a local firm to advise on the negotiations of the UK-Australia and UK-New Zealand free trade agreements.
South Africa
October 26, 2020

In October 2020, the Competition Commission of South Africa concluded agreements with large grocery retail chains Pick ‘n Pay and Shoprite to end exclusive lease agreements at retail properties across the country. This follows from the findings and recommendations published by the Commission in November last year in its Grocery Retail Market...
October 7, 2020

In the framework of its commitment to innovation in the workplace, Cuatrecasas has joined the initiative 12 causas + 12 propósitos (12 reasons+ 12 purposes), promoted by 50&50 GL, a consultancy firm specializing in equality, and Women in a Legal World, an association of female lawyers. The statement establishes 12 commitments that...
October 1, 2020

On June 12, 2018, the National Assembly adopted the “ Competition Law ”. The Competition Law takes effect from July 1, 2019 and is guided in details by a March 24, 2020 Decree of the Government (“ Decree 35 ”) which took effect from May 15, 2020. Significant issues regarding economic concentration under Vietnam competition framework are laid...
September 17, 2020

I work in the Marketing and Communications department at Bruchou, handling all of the internal and external communications. In addition, I conduct the submissions for the international publications in which we participate. I also support, among other things, presentations for potential and current clients.
September 11, 2020

World Law Group is pleased to announce that Nath Curtis, Gowling WLG (England) has joined the Infrastructure & Public-Private Partnerships Group as Co-Chair. He joins Juan Manuel Mercant of Guyer & Regules (Uruguay) in leading the group.
September 11, 2020

The acquisition had an enterprise value of over $250 million and was conducted via a scheme of arrangement. Pacific Equity Partners led a consortium that included OPSEU Pension Trust and an entity controlled by Infrastructure Capital Services to successfully acquire 100% of Zenith Energy Ltd. The scheme was successfully implemented on August...
September 3, 2020

I am a member of the international trade team at Faegre Drinker. My practice involves representing importers in enforcement actions by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, advising clients on U.S. and international customs laws and regulations, and assisting clients in managing trade compliance and minimizing duty impact.
September 2, 2020

On July 2, 2020 the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) ruled in the case of BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd (c-231/19) that a “single supply” of management services, provided by a third-party supplier via a software platform for the benefit of a fund management company managing both special investment funds and other...
August 20, 2020

Since the beginning of July, participants of WLG's Virtual Summer Program have been engaging with other young members through pen pal arrangements. Here is what two of our participants learned during their two-week interaction.
August 19, 2020

As in the rest of the world, we saw a significant downturn of M&A activity in Mexico. In the case of Mexico, such downturn obeyed not only to the COVID pandemic but also to the political climate.
August 18, 2020

Santamarina y Steta (“S+S”) has acted as Mexican legal counsel in several transactions for a U.S. based company engaged in market research services for a specialized sector of the beauty industry. S+S received the swift and professional support of Bruchou, Fernandez Madero & Lombardi Abogados; TozziniFreire Advogados; Urenda Rencoret Orrego...
August 13, 2020

The Federal Court of Canada's recent decision in Natco Pharma (Canada) Inc. v. Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. et al ., 2020 FC 788 explores the reach of Canada`s data protection regime.
August 6, 2020

If there is one thing that we have all learned from the pandemic is the importance of building strong relationships, like the one our firm has maintained with WLG for many years. That relationship has helped us to continue to provide our clients with the assistance they need around the globe and, as we tell our partners who ask us for referrals,...
August 3, 2020

WongPartnership acted for Ceridian HCM Holding Inc., a global leader in human capital management (“HCM”) technology as Singapore Counsel in the acquisition of Excelity Global Solutions Pte Ltd., an Asia-based HCM service provider. Other firms working on the transaction from the WLG include AZB & Partners , SyCip Salazar Hernandez &...
July 23, 2020

A large part of my work is international in nature. I look forward to relying on this group to build relationships with specialists from other countries, both to learn from their experience on similar issues and develop a network for requirements which may arise in future matters.
July 16, 2020

We hope this WLG Antitrust eBulletin finds you safe and well in these very peculiar times. With the cancellation of the 2020 Spring Semi-Annual Conference, WLG hosted its first eConference in May 2020. One of the sessions of this eConference was an eWebinar on "Competition Enforcement and Merger Control in Portugal and Elsewhere in Times of...
July 8, 2020

We have developed a very good relationship with Bech-Bruun over the years. We have been providing legal support for several clients of Bech-Bruun who have operations in China and whenever our clients have legal needs in Denmark, we will also recommend Bech-Bruun to our clients.
June 25, 2020

I have valued many WLG connections across the world but a special call-out in particular – I greatly enjoyed working closely with the always wise, balanced, and patient Tsuneo Sato of City-Yuwa Partners in Japan on a complex transaction several years ago.
June 11, 2020

I advise and represent national and international clients in IP law, focusing particularly on international trademark and design law, unfair competition law, international licensing law, sports law and cross-border litigation. Another main focus of my work is trademark clearance (e.g. in the context of international product launches) and the...
May 28, 2020

I am a corporate and litigation partner in our Firm. My major practice areas include investment, employment, immigration, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, IP and corporate and criminal litigations. All cases that I have handled have had their own unique characteristics, and I always learned from the issues involved in the cases.
March 10, 2020

Until March 10, 2020, the Mexican Government has not established any formal legal non-tariff barriers, restrictions and/or regulations or any other technical barrier regarding the importation or re-exportation of goods coming from China into Mexico.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
October 26, 2019

October 26, 2019

October 26, 2019

September 17, 2019

Learn more about VILAF, WLG's Vietnamese member firm and host of the 2019 Fall Semi-Annual Conference.
No news found.
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