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May 5, 2020

The government, together with the Center Party and the Liberal Party, presented on May 5, 2020 additional measures due to the coronavirus. The two proposed rules are temporary tax exemption for certain benefits that employees may receive from their employers.
May 3, 2020

Does your company need to restructure its business to survive financially during the prevailing situation with the spread of COVID-19? The government has presented a new proposal for a restructuring aid to Swedish companies based on turnover loss.
April 23, 2020

The current covid-19 pandemic has an impact on most aspects of our lives and economies, M&A deals being no exception. In this PDF we share with you some of our thoughts and expectations in relation to trends within M&A deals, as well as some insights into distressed M&A deals, in different contexts.
April 19, 2020

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Swedish courts have been forced to postpone main hearings in commercial disputes.
April 16, 2020

The focus in society has now started to shift to strategies for a gradual and safe lifting of the confinement measures set out to reverse the spread of COVID-19.
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