chandler mhm, POSTED MARCH 22, 2020 |
Thailand: SEC Publishes Announcements
On March 20, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued the following announcements of the Capital Market Supervisory Board to mitigate the risks of holding an AGM during the outbreak of COVID-19.
chandler mhm, posted march 19, 2020 |
Thailand: Civil Aviation Authority Issues Guidelines
The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand has issued a notification that includes guidelines for air operators, and requirements for entry into Thailand, related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
chandler mhm, posted march 19, 2020 |
Thailand: General Employer Liability
In this article we provide an overview of the broad obligations of employers under criminal and civil law, in Thailand, in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak.
syciplaw, POSTED MARCH 19, 2020 |
Philippines: Government Issuances Relating to COVID-19
This is a briefing on developments in the Philippines relating to the COVID-19 pandemic as of March 19, 2020.
shearn delamore, posted march 18, 2020 |
Malaysia: FAQs on IP Prosecution Measures to "Movement Control Order"
Given the increased number of local COVID-19 cases in Malaysia, the Malaysian Government issued a Movement Control Order which takes effect between March 18 and March 31.
shearn delamore, posted march 18, 2020 |
Malaysia: Part 1: Movement Control Order
On March 16,, following the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Declaration of Infected Local Areas) Order 2020, all the states in Malaysia have been declared as infected areas by the infectious disease, COVID-19.
shearn delamore, posted march 18, 2020 |
Malaysia: Part 2: Movement Control Regulations
Following the Movement Control Order in Malaysia, the Minister made the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Regulations 2020.
syciplaw, POSTED MARCH 18, 2020 |
Philippines: Developments Relating to COVID-19 Pandemic
This is a briefing on developments in the Philippines relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, as of March 18, 2020.
shearn delamore, posted march 17, 2020 |
Malaysia: Travel Restrictions & The Refusal to Travel for Work
The freedom to travel, which many have taken as a certainty in our daily lives, has now been curtailed with the COVID-19 pandemic.
shearn delamore, posted march 13, 2020 |
Malaysia: Employer's Obligations
This article considers some of the key issues and employment obligations that employers in Malaysia should bear in mind in dealing with this recent outbreak.