shearn delamore & CO., POSTED MARCH 31, 2020 |
Malaysia: Virtual Conference: Managing Legal Risks - April 7
Join our virtual conference where our interdisciplinary team will provide advice on key considerations and actions Malaysian businesses should take to respond to and manage the risk of COVID-19 post the Movement Control Order.
makarim & taira S., POSTED MARCH 26, 2020 |
Indonesia: COVID-19 and Force Majeure
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing critical implications for businesses. Please read our legal advisory exploring the concept of force majeure under contracts entered into in Indonesia.
wongpartnership llp, posted march 26, 2020 |
Singapore: Infectious Diseases Regulations 2020
Following the promulgation of the Infectious Diseases (COVID-19 Stay Orders) Regulations 2020, we outline the regulations put in place during the control period and highlight the implications to employers.
wongpartnership llp, POSTED MARCH 24, 2020 |
Singapore: Mandatory Safe Distancing Measures
The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, Monetary Authority of Singapore and Singapore Exchange Regulation have released a joint statement on mandatory safe distancing measures. We highlight some of these measures and their implications for issuers to take note.
wongpartnership LLP, POSTED MARCH 24, 2020 |
Singapore: Government’s Latest Measures and Implications to Employers
On March 24, the Singapore government announced new measures to minimize further spread of COVID-19. Please refer to the full advisory for details. We outline some of the measures which are of particular note to employers.