Europe COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on Mar 27, 2020

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COVID-19 Europe
March 27, 2020

Recent updates on the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in Europe

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Hergüner Bilgen Özeke, POSTED MARCH 26, 2020

Turkey: COVID-19 Epidemic and Contractual Relationships

The measures and legal changes made following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey have affected contractual relationships in terms of the performance obligations of parties. This article explores the effects COVID-19 has on contracts and the performance of obligations.


Turkey: Duties of Boards of Directors and Board Members in View of the COVID-19 Threat

It is clear that the COVID-19 epidemic has and will likely continue to have significant consequences on both individuals and corporations. For this reason, we would like to bring to your attention matters that aim to minimize the impacts COVID-19 may have on companies and society in general.

soulier avocats, posted march 26, 2020

France: “Emergency” Law - Main Provisions on Labor and Employment

Short-time work, paid vacation and so-called RTT days, working time, etc.: An emergency Law to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic empowers the Government to amend many labor and employment rules by way of Ordinances.

soulier avocats, posted march 25, 2020

France: What Implications for Civil Proceedings?

What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the French judicial life? Update on the measures taken and envisaged with regard to civil proceedings.


Portugal: Exceptional and Temporary Measures Applicable to Court

The Portuguese Government passed legislation establishing exceptional and temporary measures concerning the epidemiological situation of the Coronavirus in Portugal.


Portugal: The Duty to Inform the Market

Although the impact of the pandemic is difficult to assess and predict, issuers should consider whether COVID-19 will have an impact on their performance and to what extent they must disclose this information to the market.

cms russia, posted march 24, 2020

Russia: Tax and Customs Measures to Aid Business During COVID-19

In response to the high alert introduced first in Moscow and then nationwide in the face of the rapid spread of COVID-19, the Russian government and the Federal Tax Service have announced special tax and customs measures to support the most vulnerable sectors of the Russian economy.

gianni, origoni, grippo cappelli & partners, POSTED MARCH 23, 2020

Italy: Temporary Closure of Production Activities

The March 22 Decree was anticipated by two ordinances issued on March 22 by, respectively, the Lombardy Region, subsequently amended on March 22, and the Piedmont Region. The ordinances provide for even more stringent restrictions for the regions concerned.


Italy: New Legal Framework for State Aid to Support Economy

Following the publication of the proposal a few days ago, on March 19 the European Commission adopted the communication introducing a new temporary legal framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak.

Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak, Posted march 22, 2020

Poland: Anti-Crisis Shield – Review of Proposed Changes

Below is an overview of the proposed changes presented as part of the initial version of the so-called anti-crisis shield of March 21. This covers business operations, labor laws, leases and more.

herzog fox & neeman, posted march 22, 2020

Israel: New Emergency Regulations

Emergency regulations on limiting the number of employees were enacted. These regulations set the limits on the scope of the workforce allowed in various workplaces. 


cms russia, posted march 22, 2020

Russia: Online Sale of OTC Drugs Allowed 

The Russian President has signed an Executive Order authorizing the online sale of over-the-counter drugs.


CMS von Erlach Poncet, posted march 22, 2020

Switzerland: Temporary Ban of Physical Meetings

The Swiss government declared an emergency status allowing it to take vast protective measures. These include the prohibition of all public and private events. In order to nevertheless allow the holding of general meetings of companies, new means to hold meetings are introduced.


cms germany, posted march 20, 2020

Germany: Disputes in Times of Coronavirus

In addition to the question of how to deal with the implications of the coronavirus in ongoing court and arbitration proceedings, other practical questions arise in connection with the enforcement of claims and suspension of the statute of limitations.


setterwalls, posted march 19, 2020

Sweden: Government Measures to Mitigate Economic Consequences

An update on Corona and the Swedish government’s package. As of March 16 the Swedish government presented measures to mitigate the economic consequences of the virus outbreak. Learn more about its scope in this update.


taylor wessing, posted march 18, 2020

Germany: Employment Law Guide: Short-Time Work and "Work for Tomorrow Act“

With more preventative measures now in place through social distancing and remote working, businesses will be affected by the economic impact of the new coronavirus SARS-COV-2.


taylor wessing, posted march 18, 2020

Germany: Options for Creating (Workforce) Flexibility and Reducing Labor Costs

Options for creating (workforce) flexibility and reducing labor costs in a crisis. An economic downturn was already looming on the horizon. The coronavirus pandemic has placed an additional burden on the economy and is creating immediate pressure for many companies to act.


Check out the Global COVID-19 Resource Center page Arrow Icon

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