Europe COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on Apr 17, 2020

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COVID-19 Europe
April 17, 2020


Recent updates on the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in Europe


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taylor wessing, POSTED April 14, 2020

Germany: Facilitation of Clinical Trials and Access to Marketing Authorization 

In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, reports of potentially promising treatment options are reported almost daily. Numerous vaccine candidates against the corona virus are being developed worldwide and may even soon be available.

mason hayes & curran, POSTED april 13, 2020

Ireland: Complying with GDPR Timelines During COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic gathered pace, the Irish Data Protection Commission issued guidance on certain related implications under GDPR. In particular, the DPC indicated that data protection law does not stand in the way of the provision of healthcare and the management of public health issues.

gowling wlg, posted april 13, 2020

England: COVID-19: Where (and for Whom) are the UK M&A Opportunities and What Can You Do Now?

The COVID-19 crisis is already showing signs of pushing the UK economy into recession, has undoubtedly impacted the M&A market in the UK and increased the likelihood of businesses entering into insolvency proceedings.

taylor wessing, POSTED april 13, 2020

Germany: Tax Measures for Cross-border Commuters to Luxembourg

The corona crisis is currently forcing a large part of the population to work from home offices. For cross-border commuters to Luxembourg, i.e. citizens who are residents in Germany and work in Luxembourg, this may lead to an unintentional change in the right of taxation.

gowling wlg, POSTED april 13, 2020

England: Joint Ventures: War Gaming Legal Options and Solutions

COVID-19 has had an unimaginable impact on the corporate world. The assumptions on which parties approached corporate transactions like Joint Ventures have often been blown off course. Analyzing the legal and practical rights and constraints in each JV is essential. This can equip businesses with a strategy to deal with their JV partner and perhaps even take advantage of the situation.

soulier avocats, POSTED april 12, 2020

France: Rules of Criminal Procedure Adapted

French rules of criminal procedure have been adapted to ensure the continued operation of the French Justice System. This means adaptation of applicable time limits, new rules for hearings, court composition, police custody, pre-trial detention, etc.

cms russia, POSTED april 12, 2020

Russia: Digital Passes Required in Moscow: Who Must Obtain Them and How?

On April 11, the Moscow Mayor and the Governor of the Moscow Region introduced a digital passes regime. When are digital passes required? Who is exempt from the obligation to apply for a digital pass? What are the sanctions for breach of the digital pass regime?

soulier avocats, POSTED april 8, 2020

France: Suspension and Extension of Contractual Deadlines

One of the Ordinances adopted in furtherance of the Emergency Law provides for (i) the suspension of the effects of clauses sanctioning contractual non-performance, and (ii) the extension of contractual deadlines for the termination or renewal of contracts. How long does the suspension period last?


Turkey: The Effects of COVID-19 on the Labor Law Principles and Practices

This article offers our evaluations in relation to the most frequently asked questions on how basic labor law principles can be implemented with regard to the measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Castrén & Snellman, POSTED april 8, 2020

Finland: Tax Administration’s Support for Companies During the Pandemic

The Finnish Tax Administration has published numerous support measures over the past few weeks to ease the exceptional circumstances created by the coronavirus pandemic. The goal of is to support companies through measures to ease cashflow problems and reporting.

cms russia, POSTED april 8, 2020

Russia: Ponders New Corporate Reality of 2020: Is the Future On- or Offline?

In the current situation, many Russian companies, especially those with foreign investment, have found they are unable to hold their annual meetings in full compliance with applicable laws.

plmj, POSTED april 8, 2020

Portugal: Changes to Clinical Trials

INFARMED has published a set of exceptional measures – which will remain in force during the period of risk to public health – to be adopted by sponsors, clinical trial sites, and research teams, to guarantee the safety, protection and rights of clinical trial subjects.


Finland: Tools for Successful Procurements During Exceptional Circumstances

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) also impacts public procurements. The public sector has an important role in maintaining demand, particularly in these exceptional times, and therefore it is important that public entities continue to procure products and services.


Turkey: Amendment to Laws Published in the Official Gazette

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey adopted an omnibus law introducing many protective measures including the prevention of forfeiture and precautions against rental payment related evictions from workplaces in an effort to ease the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak, POSTED april 7, 2020

Poland: Bankruptcy Law at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this report, we answer questions related to Bankruptcy Law in the time of pandemic. What are the provisions of the Act on the anti-crisis shield? What is the key for the entrepreneurs to survive? How to avoid insolvency? What are the obligations of entrepreneurs and management board members?

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