Europe COVID-19 eBulletin

Published on Apr 28, 2020

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COVID-19 Europe
April 28, 2020


Recent updates on the impacts of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from our members in Europe


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cuatrecasas, POSTED April 26, 2020

Spain: Key aspects for Companies, Financial Institutions and Funds

This document is intended to provide companies, financial institutions and funds with an overview and a clear perspective of the measures implemented by the Spanish government to tackle the effects of COVID-19.

gowling wlg, POSTED april 26, 2020

England: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - FAQs

The guidance for the CJRS is evolving at a rapid rate. We will seek to update these FAQs as quickly as possible as the situation develops.

gowling wlg, posted april 26, 2020

England: Announcing the Future Fund

On April 20 the UK Government announced the £500 million 'Future Fund', a Coronavirus related loan facility aimed at 'early stage' UK companies.

cuatrecasas, POSTED april 22, 2020

Spain: Measures for Setting Maximum Prices for Certain Products

A summary of the main objectives of the Order of April 19, establishing exceptional measures to guarantee people access to the products recommended as hygiene measures to prevent COVID-19 infection.

cms russia, POSTED april 20, 2020

Russia: Migration Regime Temporarily Simplified

Under an Executive Order of the Russian President, special rules for foreign nationals to stay and work in Russia will apply from March 15 to June 15, 2020.

cms reich-rohrwig hainz, POSTED april 20, 2020

Austria: High-Level Summary of Coronavirus Related Legislation

This article provides a high level summary of coronavirus related legislation for the following jurisdictions: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

plmj, POSTED april 19, 2020

Portugal: Coronavirus Impact on Football

This note discusses the main impacts of COVID-19 on the world of football. This is an unprecedented situation in football and, since World War II, we have not witnessed a general suspension of competitions like the one we are seeing now.

cms russia, POSTED april 16, 2020

Russia: Amended Tax Legislation Due to COVID-19 Spread

Federal Law dated April 1, 2020 enacts a number of tax support measures applicable to Russian taxpayers, primarily those belonging to negatively affected sectors of the economy.

gianni, origoni, grippo, cappelli & Partners, POSTED april 14, 2020

Italy: Measures to Support the Companies’ Liquidity

A recent law decree provides for urgent measures to support liquidity of businesses and export activities. The new decree supplements the measures adopted under a previous decree, which has not yet been converted into law. The new measures to reduce the negative economic and social impacts of the COVID 19 emergency and support companies' liquidity.

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