Spain: Cuatrecasas is new member of Princess of Asturias Foundation’s Board of Trustees

Published on Jan 18, 2024

The Board of Trustees of the Princess of Asturias Foundation has approved the incorporation of Cuatrecasas, represented by our senior partner Rafael Fontana, as a new member of the Board, the Foundation’s highest honorary and advisory body. This election recognizes the firm’s consistent efforts in its commitment to training and professional development, and also to projecting the values that form the Foundation’s cornerstones.

The Princess of Asturias Foundation is a private non-profit institution that aims to extol and promote the scientific, cultural and humanistic values that form part of our universal heritage, and consolidate the existing links between the Principality of Asturias and the title traditionally held by the heirs to the Crown of Spain. The Foundation issues an annual call for nominations for the Princess of Asturias Awards, of enormous international importance and aimed at rewarding scientific, technical, cultural, humanitarian and social work, in the following eight categories: Arts, Communication and Humanities, Concord, International Cooperation, Literature, Social Sciences, Sports, and Technical & Scientific Research.

The Cuatrecasas criteria for social contribution align with the Foundation’s goal of strongly supporting those people whose work contributes to improving and achieving a more equitable and enlightened society. This appointment is a great honor and supports the firm in its wish to contribute to the Foundation’s objectives, actively participating in its development and funding.

The Princess of Asturias Foundation’s Board of Trustees is chaired by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias, with the President of the Principality of Asturias as honorary vice chair. The Board is made up of relevant institutions, companies and entities that cooperate in some form with the Foundation’s objectives.