Italy: Gianni & Origoni Launches ESG Focus Team

Published on Apr 19, 2021

Rome, April 19, 2021 - International law firm Gianni & Origoni has launched an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) focus team to provide Italian and overseas clients – companies, financial institutions and investors – with comprehensive and integrated advice on their multiple and growing needs related to corporate responsibility and ESG risks and opportunities.

GOP’s ESG Focus Team, comprising a multidisciplinary, international team of lawyers from across the firm’s practice areas, including Corporate governance, M&A, Labour, Environment, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Energy and infrastructure, Tax and Competition, aims at offering clients transversal services across all issues and problems related, directly or indirectly, with the issue of sustainability. Team members include Alessandra Ferroni, Gianluca Ghersini, Andrea Aiello, Luciano Bonito Oliva, Paolo Bordi, Matteo Bragantini, Angelo Crisafulli, Luigi Maraghini Garrone, Giovanni Marsili, Teodora Marocco, Salvatore Spagnuolo.

In particular, the ESG Focus Team will support clients in: understanding the regulatory framework and in tracking the latest ESG-related developments; assessing the consistency of organizational structures in accordance with ESG objectives; carrying out ESG due diligence; negotiating supply contracts that ensure that ESG objectives are correctly pursued through all links in the supply chain; addressing environmental and energy issues and accessing calls for tenders; offering labour guidance for the achievement of ESG objectives.

Antonio Auricchio, co-Managing Partner of the firm states: “We are proud to launch this new Focus Team. Companies, financial institutions and investors are undergoing a profound transition: sustainability and ESG issues are no longer a choice nor a necessity but instead a core business priority, an opportunity that must be seized to maximize their long-term value and growth as well as their positioning and performance on a global level. This team allows us to assist our clients in all the critical strategic areas such as corporate governance, sustainable investments, environment, finance, and energy transition".