Taylor Wessing, posted February 23, 2020 |
Germany: Blockchain Use Cases Resulting From Federal Government’s Strategy for the Energy Sector | | Currently, there are various use cases in the energy industry for blockchain technologies where the technology creates or could potentially create benefit. | |  |
Alfaro Abogados, posted February 1, 2020 |
Argentina: Transfer of Dollars Facilitated for Investors in Oil and Gas | | Through Circular 6869, the Central Bank introduced changes in the regulation applicable to transfer dollars out of the country and benefited the hydrocarbon sector in the Neuquén Basin. | |  |
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Goodmans, posted January 30, 2020 |
Canada: Goodmans Guide to Doing Business in Canada | | Goodmans Guide to Doing Business in Canada was developed to provide executives, counsel and potential United States and foreign investors with a practical overview of Canada’s legal framework and key business legislation. | |  |
Chandler MHM, Posted January 29, 2020 |
Thailand: Revocation of Ministerial Notification Regarding Domination of Mining Business by Foreigner | | On 30 January 2018, the Thai Ministry of Industry issued a notification regarding prohibited actions for foreigners; to prohibit foreigners from operating mining businesses through the use of “cover up” schemes in order to conceal ultimate foreign ownership. | |  |
Arnold & Porter, posted January 21, 2020 |
United States: Importer Beware: You Might Be Asked to Pay EPA to Evaluate a Chemical You Don’t Manufacture | | Someday very soon, the US Environmental Protection Agency (will publish a preliminary list of companies that it considers to be "manufacturers" of certain chemicals designated as High Priority Substances pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act. | |  |
Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi Abogados, January 2, 2020 |
Argentina: Key Aspects of New Emergency Law in Argentina | | A new law published in the evening of December 23, 2019, declares a public emergency in economic and financial, tax, administrative, pension, tariff, energy, health and social matters and grants special powers to the National Executive Branch until December 31. | |  |
Gowling WLG, posted December 12, 2019 |
England: Listing in London - a Discussion With Mining Journal | | Gowling WLG partner and head of natural resources Charles Bond recently joined Mining Journal's head of research Chris Cann for its London Stock Exchange special to discusse the advantages of listing in London and why it's different from listing in other key resources exchanges around the world.. | |  |
MinterEllison, posted September 30, 2019 |
Australia: Renewable Energy - Investment Trends and Outlook | | Australia's energy sector is booming with global investors recognising the abundant opportunities available. This report outlines the opportunities and challenges and includes the opinions of renewable energy investors and industry specialists from Australia and internationally. | |  |