IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2020 - WLG Members Recognized

Published on Jun 25, 2020

Women Leaders are the leading female transactional lawyers in the world. These lawyers have impressive track records and are consistently recommended by clients and peers for the quality of their advice and service.

Research methodology

Each year the IFLR1000 undertakes research evaluating lawyers and firms on the basis of transactional experience and market feedback. During the process our research team in Hong Kong, London and New York evaluates thousands of submissions and survey data of thousands of client referees and peers, and conduct hundreds of interviews before nominating individuals for Women Leaders.

Women Leaders 2020 content

Below you will find links to:

  • Online profiles of featured Women Leaders
  • Regional pages with Women Leaders' online profiles listed by jurisdiction
  • Interviews with high-profile, inspirational female lawyers from across the world focussed around gender and diversity in the legal profession
Americas | Asia-Pacific | Europe, Middle East and Africa | Full Article