Kristian Rogers - First-time WLG | summit Delegate

Published on Sep 29, 2022


Kristian Rogers
Partner at Gowling WLG
First-time WLG | summit Delegate

1) Briefly describe your practice.

As a capital markets lawyer, I help clients float and raise capital on the London Stock Exchange. I focus on listed funds: launching products in various asset classes such as tech, real estate, and renewable energy. Also, I get to do something fun every once in a while, like acting on the sale of the Williams Formula 1 team.

2) Your firm was appointed as the exclusive Official Legal Advisers to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Share with us what that experience was like.

The firm was incredibly proud when we were appointed as Official Legal Advisers to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and, additionally, as sponsors of Team England. Our work encompassed everything that a public body procuring the organization of a large international sporting event could need. We provided secondees to resource Birmingham's in-house legal team, and hundreds of our people, clients, and communities had the opportunity to attend the Games.

3) What do you look forward to as a first-time delegate at WLG | summit Atlanta '22?

I have worked at Gowling WLG my whole career, and have seen countless examples of the fantastic referrals and collaborative opportunities generated by World Law Group members. I look forward to putting faces to the names I have worked with over the years. I am, of course, also looking forward to indulging in Georgia's amazing BBQ scene!

4) What is a cause that is important to you, either personally or through your work?

There are lots of causes that are important to me. One example I am proud of is the time another Gowling WLG partner and I completed a half ironman around Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire in memory of a friend and colleague.

5) Have you had any recent client, marketing, or other collaboration with a WLG member firm(s)? If so, please briefly tell us about it.

I have known Joe and the folks at Miller & Martin for many years. We have collaborated on countless client initiatives (including several London Stock Exchange conferences to make US companies aware of the benefits of floating in the UK). Whenever we work together, they make me look good simply by association.