Mexico: Recent Updates on Coronavirus

Published on Mar 10, 2020

Until March 10, 2020, the Mexican Government has not established any formal legal non-tariff barriers, restrictions and/or regulations or any other technical barrier regarding the importation or re-exportation of goods coming from China into Mexico. Per statutory law, this would require a lengthy administrative proceeding, culminating in a Decree approved by the federal Commission of International Trade, which process has not begun, in any case. Additionally, no pragmatic actions, such as quarantine of goods prior to their clearance at Mexican customs has effectively happened or been imposed against this type of goods.

Although the Mexican government has also not imposed any formal travel ban to individuals coming from or going to China, as of March 10, 2020, the National Immigration Institute, jointly with federal health authorities, has stepped up its screening process, at the various ports of entry into Mexico, of travelers that have passed in transit through areas affected by the 2019-nCov outbreak, in view of the Public Health Emergency Declaration issued by the WHO. Finally, at this moment there are no flights that are coming from or going to China directly, as airlines have suspended such service pursuant to their own internal policies.”