Honduras: New Legislative Decree of Electrical Amnesty

Published on Feb 27, 2024

On February 01, 2024, the National Congress of Honduras, through Legislative Decree number 61-2023 published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta under number 36,449, approved and granted significant assistance to alleviate the financial burden of companies and citizens who owe payments to the National Electric Power Company [Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica (ENEE)]. This benefit is the Amnesty for fines, surcharges, and interests, as well as outstanding accessory obligations with the ENEE owed until December 1, 2023.

According to the decree, both natural and legal persons can avail themselves of this amnesty, as long as they make the corresponding payment for electricity consumption without the application of surcharges or interests. This benefit will be available until June 31, 2024, thus providing a six-month period for debtors to regularize their situation.

Furthermore, the decree allows the signing of payment agreements that comply with the terms established in the terms. This means that those who wish to take advantage of the amnesty will be able to negotiate deadlines and payment conditions that fit their financial capabilities.

It is important to note that, even in cases where a previous payment agreement had been established, the modification of this agreement will be allowed to eliminate additional surcharges. This ensures a uniform and fair application of the benefit for all debtors.

This new energy amnesty decree represents a significant relief for those facing financial difficulties due to debts with the ENEE. It is a measure aimed at alleviating the economic burden of citizens and promoting the regularization of electricity payments in the country.

Feel free to contact us if you have any doubts about this Amnesty.

Sandra Izaguirre - Associate in Arias Honduras

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