Approval of Law No. 1208 Law for the Repeal of Law No. 347, Organic Law of the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (INIFOM)

Published on Jul 25, 2024

Octavio Alarcón and Leonardo Maldonado, lawyers in Nicaragua and experts in litigation and arbitration, share with us this article about Law No. 1208 Law for the Repeal of Law No. 347, Organic Law of the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (INIFOM).

On July 15, 2024, Law No. 1208 Law for the Repeal of Law No. 347, Organic Law of the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (INIFOM) came into force; through which the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (INIFOM), an entity for the promotion and support of the Central Government of the municipalities, created through Decree No. 497 of Creation of the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development, on March 2, 1990.

In accordance with Law No. 1208, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, through the Office of the Attorney General for Municipalities, will assume the responsibilities for the strengthening of the municipal administration, relating to municipal finances, legal advice and investments; accompaniment, planning, monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of municipal strategies, with absolute respect for the municipal autonomy established in the Political Constitution and laws on the matter.

Law No. 1208 establishes that all assets, movable and immovable property that to date belong to the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (INIFOM), are the property of the State and will be administered by the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic.

As a result of Law No. 1208 Law for the Repeal of Law No. 347, Organic Law of the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (INIFOM), the entire national legal system where the Institute is mentioned must read "Office of the Procurator for Municipalities", specifically in the following regulations:

  • Law No. 40, Law of Municipalities.
  • Law No. 376, Municipal Budgetary Regime Law.
  • Law No. 466, Law on Budgetary Transfers to the Municipalities of Nicaragua.
  • Law No. 502, Municipal Administrative Career Law.
  • Law No. 509, General Law of National Cadastre.
  • Law No. 550, Law on Financial Administration and the Budgetary Regime.
  • Law No. 983, Law of Constitutional Justice.
If you have any questions or would like to know more information on the subject, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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