Cristina Hellmund - WLG | beyond borders Participant
Member Voices

Cristina Hellmund
D'Empaire, Venezuela
WLG | beyond borders Participant
1. Describe your practice.
I am a member of D’Empaire’s tax practice. We work closely with investment banks, trusts, and other financial institutions advising on Venezuelan tax issues derived from the structures held by their Venezuelan clients.
I am very involved in immigration tax planning projects for Venezuelans moving abroad, as well as general corporate law matters, such as real estate-related transactions. We have remained on the leading edge of innovative international tax work, working closely with international banks, multinationals, and leading firms in other jurisdictions.
2. You are currently enrolled in WLG | beyond borders—what was your motivation to join, and what do you hope to gain from the program?
In an ever-changing world, I have always been interested in finding different ways to connect with people across other jurisdictions, and learn about their likes, dislikes, cultures, and practice areas. I like to explore every opportunity for professional and personal growth. WLG is all about peer and mentor networking, so I hope to take advantage of what the organization has to offer and gain meaningful connections from the beyond borders program. So far it has been an incredible experience; I particularly enjoyed the Forging Strategic Partnerships: Empowering Young Lawyers for Client Success session where members shared techniques to help cultivate strategic partnerships with clients and colleagues, especially in these times where connections are done mainly online.
3. Can you share with us your first impression of WLG as a network?
I am impressed by the diversity of the members of WLG. Everyone seems interested in participating in the organization making sure it reaches its full potential so all the members can gain from what WLG has to offer as a network.
4. Could you share an interesting fact about yourself?
I have an unconventional relationship with the sun but still love going to the beach. While others embrace the warmth, I seek relief in the shade. If you ever spot me at the beach, you will find me comfortably under an umbrella, with SPF100, a stylish hat, wearing long sleeves and leg coverings. I may look peculiar, yet rest assured, I am having a great time defying expectations and embracing my unique beach experience.