Druni, Arenal and MCretail Implement Agreements and Create Leading Health and Beauty Retail Group

Published on Jul 18, 2024

Cuatrecasas has advised Druni—the perfume, cosmetics, and health & beauty retailer—on implementing the agreements signed in June 2023 with Arenal and MCretail to create a leading health and beauty retailer, with a joint turnover in excess of €1 billion in 2023 and over 500 stores open to the public. The deal was completed after receiving approval from the competent authorities.

Following this transaction, Druni will remain the head of the resulting new group, which will be owned by the Casp family and the Portuguese company MCretail, each with a 50% stake.

The transaction enhances the assets and increases the joint competencies of Druni, Arenal and MCretail, by combining the businesses of the first two, which will accelerate the growth plan of the three companies in both physical and online channels.