Intellectual Property & Information Technology eBulletin

Published on Mar 23, 2020


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Intellectual Property & Information Technology
March 2020

Recent legal updates from our members across the globe

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shearn delamore, posted march 17, 2020

Malaysia: FAQs on IP Prosecution Measures to "Movement Control Order"

Given the increased number of local COVID-19 cases in Malaysia, the Malaysian Government issued a Movement Control Order which takes effect between 18 March 2020 and 31 March 2020.

Bae, kim & lee llc, posted march 11, 2020

South Korea: Transportation Law Amended

The National Assembly passed a set of amendments to its transport sector statute that erect a framework to allow for app-based taxi hailing or "platform taxi” businesses. Rules are expected to spur taxi-based ride-hailing services in 2021 – but many important details await further decrees and regulations.

Arias, posted march 10, 2020

Costa Rica: Patent Annuities

An update on patent annuities and renewals by Mr. Luis Diego Castro, Partner at Arias.

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt, posted march 1, 2020

Norway: Cross-border E-Commerce and VAT - New rules

Foreign online stores and marketplaces that desire to remain attractive to Norwegian consumers should urgently take steps to register in the new VOEC scheme.

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt, posted march 1, 2020

Norway: Significant Changes to Trademark Law

On 14 February 2020, news broke that Norway would implement Directive 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks in Norwegian law.

taylor wessing, posted february 25, 2020

Germany: Supply Chain on the Chain

One of the topics in the Blockchain Strategy of the Federal Government in Germany concerns the logistics sector. With this, the Federal Government follows the paper of "Chances and Challenges of DLT (Blockchain) in Mobility and Logistics".

gowling wlg, posted february 3, 2020

England: Annual Review of UK Patent Cases – 2019

In January 2020, Gowling WLG's co-head of global Intellectual Property, Gordon Harris, delivered his annual review of the year's UK patent cases, entitled "The Rise of Little Britain".

goodmans llp, posted january 30, 2020

Canada: Goodmans Guide to Doing Good Business in Canada - E-commerce & Technology

Responsibility for regulating the internet and e-commerce is shared by the federal and provincial governments. Regulation of broadcasting content on the internet falls within the jurisdiction of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

goodmans llp, posted january 1, 2020

Canada: Goodmans Guide to Doing Good Business in Canada - Intellectual Property

Copyright arises automatically in Canada in any original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, including a compilation and sound recording, provided that the creator or author of the work is at the time of its creation a citizen, subject or person ordinarily resident in Canada or a treaty country and the work is first published (made available to the public) in Canada or a treaty country.

Castrén & Snellman, posted january 28, 2020

Finland: Six Trends for the New Decade of Technology

The 2010s were a decade of breathtaking technological development. What can we expect from the 2020s?

greenberg glusker, posted january 16, 2020

United States: Reforming the Internet

Recognizing the sea change in information technology in the 21st century, Congress is finally beginning to consider in earnest revisiting landmark legislation of the late 1990s that has governed the internet ever since.


Group Leaders

goodmans llp

Amalia Berg 

Email Amalia   Harold Kahlenberg

Formosa Transnational

Jane Wang

Email Jane    Harold Kahlenberg

taylor wessing

Julia Wulf

Email Julia    Harold Kahlenberg

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