Jean-Luc Putz - WLG Key Contact Partner

Published on Jul 14, 2023

Member Voices


Jean-Luc Putz
New WLG Key Contact Partner
Arendt & Medernach (Luxembourg)

1. Briefly describe your practice.

I am a Partner in both in the Business Crime and Employment Law, Pensions & Benefits practice areas of Arendt & Medernach. In the Business Crime practice area, my team and I deal with a wide variety of economic crime cases. In particular, we are seeing an increase in prosecutions relating to breaches of Anti-Money Laundering/Combatting the Finance of Terrorism obligations. As well as the classic cases, such as fraud and embezzlement, we also regularly deal with cybersecurity incidents. In addition, because of my experience in this field, I also handle individual and collective employment law cases. It is remarkable that a large number of cases combine criminal law and employment law.

2. You were recently selected as a Key Contact Partner for your firm. Can you tell us what you hope to gain through WLG participation?

It was a real pleasure to be able to accept this role and to act as a key contact for the network, not only for my areas of expertise, but also for all the areas in which our firm is active. As Arendt is an independent law firm offering advice only on Luxembourg law, we have always prioritized developing a strong network of partner law firms around the world to efficiently serve multinational clients or clients with multinational ambitions. I am proud being able to actively participate for Arendt’s international strategy.

As the meetings and conferences go on, I hope to be able to exchange views on a wide range of subjects and, when my specialist subjects are on the agenda, take an active part in future conferences.

Representing my country, getting to know each other, helping and cooperating with network members and, last but not least, hearing about experiences in other parts of the world—that's what I think I'll find within the network.

3. Could you tell us about a recent client, marketing, or other collaboration with another WLG member firm?

Our firm currently has more than 30 ongoing matters on which we collaborate with WLG members, particularly in finance, corporate, tax, civil, and commercial litigation and arbitration. I hope that an equally fruitful collaboration can also be established in employment law and criminal law, even though these cases are by nature less cross-border.

4. What is a must-see when visiting Luxembourg?

If you're coming to Luxembourg, the first thing to look out for is the weather. Visiting our country in spring or summer is ideal. Luxembourg owes its independence to the fact that the city was a virtually impregnable fortress. So take a tour of the city and the surrounding valleys. Visit the museums, especially the Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM). The most specific tourist sites are undoubtedly the "Bock" rock, where the town originated in 963, and the "Casemates", a defence system carved into the rock.