Joana Cardoso–Client & Business Intelligence Manager, PLMJ (Portugal)

Published on Jul 11, 2024

Member Voices 

Joana Cardoso

Client & Business Intelligence Manager 

PLMJ (Portugal)

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Briefly describe your role at the firm.

As the manager of PLMJ's Strategy and Business Development team, my main role is to help lawyers provide better and faster advice to our clients. This involves gaining a deeper understanding of our clients' businesses, their potential, and their main concerns. Our goal is to build and strengthen relationships of trust with our clients, who are key building our reputation in the market.


As a Senior Strategy and BD Manager, what practical tip do you offer to lawyers attending networking events?

Don't be shy! Relationships have to start somewhere, and a simple hello is much more valuable than just a name on a list or a website. More seriously, I advise using the Pareto Principle. Invest a little time to research the people in the room whenever possible. That 20% investment of your time often brings 80% good results. Lawyers know better than anyone that time is money, and knowing someone has invested their precious time in you is an incredible feeling.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

With my two little ones, I don't have much free time! However, when I do, I spend it reading (mainly comics) or engaging in artistic crafts. These range from watercolor painting and carpentry to gardening and cooking. I have a deep appreciation for artists, perhaps because of their ability to immerse themselves completely in their creative process!