Modification of the Deadline for Filing the Monthly Purchase Declaration for Sales Tax (DMC) in Honduras

Published on Jun 25, 2024

Our Fiscal Law expert from Honduras, Emanuel López, shares this article on how, by Agreement No. SAR-237-2024, the deadline for filing the Monthly Purchase Declaration for Sales Tax (DMC) has been shortened from 20 to 5 days.

On May 20, 2024, Agreement No. SAR-237-2024 was published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta. The Executive Director of the Revenue Administration Service (SAR), exercising his authority, intends to modify the automated system for monitoring purchases regulating the Sales Tax by creating the Informative Affidavit known as the Monthly Purchase Declaration for Sales Tax (DMC), changing the form and deadline for submission.

This Agreement modifies Agreement DEI-SG-276-2015, which was previously amended by Agreement No. SAR-343-2019, and repeals Agreement No. CPAT-SG-073-2016.


Although based on a pre-existing electronic system, this Agreement introduces significant reforms in terms of the form of submission, deadlines, and sanctions, aiming to optimize and strengthen the monitoring of Sales Tax.

Agreement No. SAR-237-2024, while aimed at optimizing the Sales Tax monitoring system, imposes a considerable administrative burden and an extremely short compliance deadline that could be challenging for companies classified as Large and Medium taxpayers.

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