Monique Hoepker - WLG Marketing & BD Professionals Forum Member & WLG | impact '23 Ambassador

Published on Jul 27, 2023


Member Voices

Monique Hoepker
WLG Marketing & BD Professionals Forum Member & WLG | impact '23 Ambassador
Arias Law (Costa Rica)

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1. Describe your role at Arias.

I develop marketing and communications strategies to generate brand awareness around the firm and its lawyers. Through creating valuable content, organizing insightful talks and networking events, and collaborating with network groups, we are able to connect with the audience, define the needs of the market, and generate meaningful connections.

I'm also part of the Social Responsibility Committee, where we work together with foundations and associations to give back to the community. Through volunteer work, internal fundraisers, and company initiatives, we are focusing on generating opportunities to end poverty, taking care of the environment, and creating equitable opportunities to achieve inclusion.

2. As the new WLG marketing contact at Arias, what has your first impression of the network been?

World Law Group committees have allowed me to connect with other professionals in the industry through insightful discussions. Understanding what others are doing in the market allows me to identify best practices. The programs, groups, and forums are the perfect opportunity to network and take part in global initiatives. WLG | beyond borders is a great opportunity for our young lawyers to learn from leading practitioners in the industry and understand the global market. WLG | impact '23 inspired us to work on an internal campaign focused on the environment. We hosted an internal event to create awareness and improve our recycling system.

3. You are the firm contact for WLG | impactcould you briefly describe your project/s asa reminder?

For WLG | impact, we hosted an Eco-Thursday to generate awareness and implement initiatives that support the environment. Activities included environmental talks, carpooling, bottle cap collection for Dona Tapa (a foundation that creates wooden boards with them to make ramps on the beaches), green jeans day, and a bake sale to raise funds for the CSR department.

4. If someone were to visit your country, what is a must-see/must-do?

Costa Rica is well known for its amazing beaches, flora, and fauna. For me, a must-do is going to Bahía Ballena during whale season and taking a boat tour. You will have the opportunity to see the calves with their mothers up close in their natural habitat.