Nazar Chernyavsky- WLG Key Contact Partner and Managing Partner, Sayenko Kharenko (Ukraine)

Published on Mar 8, 2024

Member Voices


Nazar Chernyavsky
WLG Key Contact Partner and Managing Partner
Sayenko Kharenko (Ukraine) * Observer Firm
Connect on LinkedIn

1. Briefly describe your practice.

Since the start of my career path at Sayenko Kharenko 19 years ago, I have been advising all of the major international investment banks, including Barclays, BNP, BOA - Merrill Lynch, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, UBS, UniCredit, etc. on the largest and most innovative finance transactions in Ukraine, for the total value of dozens of billions US dollars. While my primary area of expertise is banking and finance and capital markets, I have also been supervising our technology law group for the last seven years. I am very excited to be involved in the discussion of legal issues around new technology products and scientific breakthroughs, and being a co-chair of the IBA Technology Law Committee this year will help shape the agenda of those discussions. As part of this line of work, in the past years, I have been involved in a number of projects related to tech start-ups, data protection, and cybersecurity.

2. Your firm, Sayenko Kharenko, has recently joined WLG. What do you most look forward to from network involvement?

I realized lately that strong personal ties with partners in other countries whom you know well help to build strong professional relationships between firms. As a result, we expect to build better relationships with top independent firms that are members of WLG, allowing us to approach bigger opportunities together arising in different jurisdictions, including the upcoming reconstruction of Ukraine.

3. Have you made a connection with or collaborated with another WLG member firm?

We have previously worked with a number of firms from WLG, not even knowing they are a part of the network. Moreover, we have very friendly relationships with some firms and particular partners, which grew even stronger following the start of the war in Ukraine and overwhelming help from some of our neighbors.

4. What is something interesting or compelling that you read, watched, or listened to recently?

One of the recent books, which turned out to be very helpful in everyday work, is Think Again by Adam Grant. My most recent piece of light reading, which provided some new and important facts, was a special edition of National Geographic on longevity.