Puspa Lestari - WLG | beyond borders Participant

Published on Sep 24, 2021


Puspa Lestari

Puspa Lestari
Makarim & Taira S. (Indonesia)

1. Describe your practice

As a one of the corporate and commercial team of Makarim & Taira S., I am mainly involved in M&A, and Banking and Finance transactions, which are some of the busiest fields in Indonesia as in the last 5 years, Indonesia has grown rapidly in tech startups which attract many overseas and domestic investors. At Makarim & Taira S., I have been trained to quickly adapt and develop my legal and business knowledge to face the challenges of the unique and innovative transactions of our clients, so that we can help our clients realize their business plans in a timely and commercially oriented manner.

2. You recently participated in WLG | beyond borders; what was a key takeaway for you?

I had a good time during WLG | beyond borders. The topics discussed and the speakers as well as the professional assistance provided by WLG’s personnel made the program very enjoyable, fruitful and also relaxing.

I had fun in the speed networking sessions and open discussion as we shared our different experiences and cultures which felt like travelling all over the world (the program really was ‘beyond borders’). The sharing sessions with member mentors and external speakers were also very useful and they were presented efficiently.

3. If someone were to visit your country, what is a must-see/must-do?

For those who are looking for the best island experience, Bali and the islands in east Indonesia, such as Labuan Bajo, Sumba and Raja Ampat are the must-visit places in Indonesia.

4. What is something you look forward to or hope to get involved in through the WLG network?

I hope to stay in touch with the lawyers I met through WLG and look forward to participating in WLG’s next program. I also hope that I can help WLG members who need legal guidance on how to do business in Indonesia.

WLG | beyond borders Testimonial

"I had a good time during WLG’s beyond borders, the sessions and all the discussions were very fruitful and of course it was a pleasure to meet other lawyers virtually (I joined the sessions always in the evening after work, and it was relaxing!). I can say that I enjoyed WLG’s virtual programs (since young lawyers summer program last year) and look forward to joining the next program."